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Comment Yo Yo (Score 1) 180

The everlasting, yet to discover virus residing in human brains causing the never ending urge to collect $$'s or other considered wealth and power items - long list here omitted - by creating imaginary voids of various kinds to urgently fill without actual need and then to create more voids since it was futile as always requires probably extremely consequent and strong characters - is this Miller-something a type like that - anyway, time to hit the sack!

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 165

Looks to me also that on bootup the OS calls home maybe to check for updates, but what else is going on during that process maybe a black box. In any case, it seems to take it's time on bootup with disk defragged... Possibly unplugging the network cable before turning it on seems to make it quicker, but this can be imagination....

Comment Will see how it pans out.... (Score 4, Interesting) 311

In this country (US) are numerous forces in play to take away more and more rights from the general population through various tricks and manipulations to get it to a much smaller section of folks living in the same country.

Not allowing municipalities to supply their own Internet service is one of many attempts, please see:

I am happy to live in a municipality who made it and provides this type of service. After getting rid of ComCast, whose manner in getting out of their claws and get my right required a small claims court case, it just feels better to now "own" it better in some way.

The day is not far distant when humanity will realize that biologically it is faced with a choice between suicide and adoration.
-- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin † 10. April 10, 1955

Comment What else? (Score 1) 344

Soon one will have to wear a cap with electrodes and a receiver backpack transmitting the signals to the cap so all will be controllable. Anyone seen not wearing this equipment will be shot.

Must be very fearful and control character people thinking out this BS and not taking into account what the rebels will heck out to circumvent everything.....

Comment Well, (Score 1) 144

Isn't this whole throwing unwanted ads in your face against your will and intention abusive?
Who are the goon-robots programming this shit and the idiots trying to make a buck with this got nothing better to do?
Popup in your face - please subscribe - and have to act upon plugging an email address like "Ihate..." in..
The behavior causing this should be penalized with mandatory pot smoking and we will see progress happening very soon..

Comment Re:Yah (Score 1) 234

<quote><p>Who needs apps? When I need an app, I turn on my computer. My old TracFone LG-501c does calls and text just fine, hasn't needed to be replaced since I got it in 2011 and I'll keep using it until the network no longer supports it. It costs me maybe $10 a month; the phone itself cost maybe $30.</p><p>Also, get off my lawn.</p></quote>

Seem to be a humble user....

Two examples, brand names not mentioned:
- map software for a GPS handheld device, worthless now, because no longer syncing with "home" for software verification, original cost > $ 300, going back to older, original hard/software does not work, because support was dropped.
- Office software able to sync between handheld and desktop - no longer usable on latest OS - 4+ devices used for data entry, functional replacement cost = ???

Not a question of "Apps" but existing functionality working for fine years suddenly vanishes for reasons stated before.

Comment Yah (Score 3, Interesting) 234

But you may run out of support on Apps for your old gear and find no ear for your complaints...

System is geared for consumption and profit from there. Using old gear is counterproductive to this philosophy - try to win against that, fat chance.
Long term effect of this, I leave it to your fantasy.
Underlying reason, same thing, maybe the fiddler crabs effect, he who has the biggest claws gets the female.....

Comment Question? (Score 1) 165

Will that silly shutdown ritual then go away?

This routine sucks! Waiting for<ever>.... I resort to # init 0, which seems to go quicker.
Dunno which brainchild this was. When I am done, I am done and want to go - this thing takes forever, seemingly several minutes with countdown displayed.
Who originated this nonsense?

Comment Re:Futile attempt (Score 1) 154

<quote>How did Jeff Bezos <a href="">bilk</a> "millions of normal folks for their hard earned $$'s"? I'm curious how he conned people into giving them his money via fraud.</quote>

Just in case, you have not realized - system is designed, probably by accident and self-perpetuating with all kinds of fairy tails - trickle down theory, work hard and you succeed, etc. with the dreams showing perpetually on flat screens.

Research on normal folks happiness showed that in societies where the spread of wealth is smaller, i. e. difference between rich and well, normal folks is small, people are more happy. This probably falls under the event horizon in the US-hype.

But look at the inner cities, where people - humans like you (if you are not a machine) and me fall through the grid, camp on road sides, beg on corners and are so wasted that they cannot even think straight.....

Those facts visually recognized have to be compensated somehow by labeling in some way blaming the individuals seen for their condition.

I'd say, this is a system failure.... not even thinking globally.

I think, there was a formula once for this planet - (well being + suffering) = constant.

Wish you well!

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