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Comment Re:All is lost! (Score 1) 203

I understand the metallurgy however I don't think folks laying out $600 plus for a phone were thinking that it would crease so easily. Phones bending like that under normal use, not abuse, isn't something that people were expecting. As for software bugs they happen to everybody, it's nice to see that Apple for once is caught in a face palm moment.

Comment Re:How about (Score 1) 131

Well we have that but if I give something to my attorney it's only through attorney client privilege that he can keep that confidential. The same doesn't hold true for other third parties. If I have my data stored on a cloud provider, that should be considered confidential and not subject to espionage by my own government. In the case of prosecuting a case I could argue that the data could be produced but then I shouldn't be compelled to provide the decryption keys for example that is if I'm the accused.

Also to point out the oath and affirmation is pretty subjective considering the FISA court allowing warrantless wiretaps.

Comment How about (Score 1) 131

Instead of trying to block certain aspects of searches we should just bite the bullet and get a Privacy amendment to the Constitution. Certainly where laws may have been broken there's an interest in seeing justice done but US laws should only apply to the US and citizens who reside there. For example, the IRS would no longer be allowed to shake down the Swiss or US citizens lawfully living in other nations. This would also mean that information we trust to third parties would be considered private and would overturn that horrible judicial precedent that has allowed this horseshit to go on long enough. While we're at it also lets exclude every fucking company from mining our daily activities for fun and profit.

Comment ISS now a stinky Hotel (Score 1) 47

The ISS has now jumped the shark. Yes there have been a few space tourists but now it would seem that instead of doing real science aboard the ISS its now about tourism. I guess that means logically any future manned missions should allow for a paying guest but I don't think astronauts who've trained for years want turndown service added to their mission statement.

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