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Comment Re:View from outside the USA (Score 1) 818

Free enterprise? The flag was a battle flag and not the flag representing the confederate states as a whole. And what's wrong with giving jobs to immigrants? you must be racist or something (that was a tongue and cheek remark) I mean it would be no less arduous than flipping burgers at McDonalds. Are you trying to suppress free enterprise?

Comment Revisionist Philosophy (Score 2) 818

A nutjob walks into a church and shoots 9 people. That means we get rid of the Confederate Flags? WTF, the flag didn't kill anybody, shit confederate war soldiers didn't kill those people in the church. It's non sequitur. Getting rid of them through outlets like this will mean, more people will buy them and fly them is all and oh by the way Amazon, Apple, Walmart et all please remove anything with the ANC colors or those of the Black Panthers and Rainbow flags while you're at it; they offend me.

Comment Can we just take a vote (Score 1) 117

I vote Adobe the worst software provider in terms of quality. We bash Microsoft quite a bit but think about it. Shockwave, Flash now Acrobat Reader must be the crappiest three pieces of software in terms of quality and vulnerabilities. I guess when you couple Adobe + Windows it's truly craptacular!

Comment Wally World (Score 1) 289

WQHL is another walled garden. A lot of vendor's don't like the Ts&Cs that MSFT has put forward for WQHL certification. Yes, it's sub-optimal but if you're dealing in Windows Drivers, it's the road you must travel on.

If only MSFT would make WQHL certification easier then you'd see more vendors jumping on the bandwagon and having their updates distributed through Windows Update.

Comment Re:yeah there's no politics involved (Score 1) 473

This has nothing to do with Mark Facetard, it has everything to do with self promotion in an election year. "Oh lookie over here! Don't look at those 30,000 violations of federal law, receiving money from foreign governments while working for the American people? No, lookie here!"

I wish these 10,000 girls all the luck in the world.

Comment yeah there's no politics involved (Score 1, Redundant) 473

Clinton Global Initiative is all you need to know. Why not 4 years ago, 6 or even 10? We're in an election cycle, this is now just a campaign talking point and to deflect criticism away from deleting e-mails, taking money from foreign governments and overall credibility. "Hey look we do something good."

Comment global problem, local stupidity (Score 1) 371

The problem isn't that recycling *isn't* profitable, it's not profitable for Waste Management which is the largest waste disposal company in the US. They view the landfills that they operate as mining interests and like all mine-able resources there's value fluctuation. Too bad, we must recycle and local/state governments need to push back when people don't want to separate glass from paper, it's about the environment not a company's ability to make more money off of refuse. Shit, in my community Waste Management came in and gave us all big bins where we had separation before, they created the stream problem in the first place!

I also find it problematic that China doesn't want our trash yet that would seem that if there's a consumable that could be manufactured from recycled materials, why isn't it being done in the US? The logistics stream to get a ton of recycled paper to China must be huge and expensive, why can't that be done in Detroit or some other urban area putting unemployed people back to work. The recycling issue is a microcosm for the larger economic picture, recycle the waste here, produce the materials that are value added here and then export them if there's demand. If there's no demand then why are we using the source materials in the first place? An example: plastic bottles vs. glass bottles.

Comment Re:Horseshit. (Score 2) 78

I do believe that 80% of what Snowden leaked is true to some extent but based on the sniff test, the other 20% is bullshit. The problem then becomes trying to filter out what's crap and what's truth. Do I believe that Google, Apple and Microsoft had to cooperate with the DOJ and FBI? Absolutely, they're required to by law. Do I believe that they're vanguards of liberty and privacy? Fuck no. Do I believe that the NSA has taps on all their data centers? No Do I believe that the NSA has tried to tap into their data centers? Yes.

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