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Comment Re:Common Sense, anyone? (Score 1) 788

It's certainly sad to see that Asians dominate the good universities in the US, while so many US born talent cannot afford a good education.

How you know the Asians aren't US born? The Chinese started arriving in 1800s. The Vietnamese in the 1980s. Not sure when the Japanese arrived, but considered the Americans interned quite a few during WW2, they had to arrive prior to that.

Comment Re:Wow 20%? (Score 1) 315

If you ask some people if something is right or wrong they will reply that it depends on the situation and other factors. The idea that things can be just plain wrong in all cases is seen by some in society as outmoded and not keeping up with the times.

So, do you know what's wrong and right? What does your Bible say about slavery? Letting women talk in a gathering? How about wearing clothes that are mixed with wool and linen? How about sending your wife and daughter out to get raped and killed?

And before you say the NT invalidates OT, remember Jesus said: "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." (Matthew 5:17.)

Comment Re:yay (Score 1) 626

Of course you are correct, and the Bible itself mentions wisdom as a thing to be desired in a number of passages. People who believe in God and that God created the world could only please God by trying to learn more about the world.

The bible also teach that God kicked Adam and Eve out of Paradise for eating from the tree of knowledge. Apparently, He doesn't like us to get too knowledgeable. Seems like the Christian Fundamentalists got it right...

Comment Re:Labour Party Youth Camp? (Score 1) 401

My statement was more about the fact that a political party has youth camps on an isolated island. Seems shady.

Why? All the political parties in Norway have a youth branch that do summer camps. Norway is filled with islands. This particular island has been the summer camp place for the Labour party at least since the 80s (current Prime Minister went to summer camp there in his youth).


Submission + - Digital Tech is Killing Destination Shopping

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "Derek Thompson writes that Borders is closing, undone by a perfect storm of book digitization, the growth of Amazon, and an inability to turn a brick-and-mortar company into a zeros-and-ones business, the sad, but predictable, conclusion of a paper store in a digital age. Books and music are the first stores to fall in the digital age. Which store is next? "All retailing is vulnerable. I've spoken with executives at many major big box retailers, and they're all very worried about how the digital world is changing their business," says Joel Kurtzman adding that the age of mobile internet and smart phones will have a big impact even on stores that sell furniture, clothes, and other utterly non-digitizable products. "It's very common for people to shop in pairs with one person at home," says Kurtzman. "One person goes to Home Depot with his iPhone, takes a picture of a product, sends it home, and his wife spouse takes a look at the picture, says, 'Got it,' and then buys the product cheaper online. People are using big retail stores as showrooms." Mall vacancy rates are the highest they've been in a decade due to the domino effect created by closures of big, anchor stores in 2009 and 2010. "Malls are empty right now and it's not simply because retail hasn't returned, it's because destination shopping is dying out. Five or ten years from now you're going to see more brand-based stores that operate as showrooms, along the lines of Apple, for individual designers show their wares.""

Comment don't bother (Score 1) 200

I visited the US last year for two weeks (and going back this summer for three weeks), and I say, don't bother. You won't be using the phone as much as you think. If you are disciplined.

I try not to use my phone browsing unless I was on a wireless, which meant at the hotel or other hotspots. Fine, so sms cost $0.75, but I didn't send that many messages anyway (send email while at the hotel where you are going to meet your friends, then one sms if they were late). Probably didn't send more than 10 during my stay last year. Only thing was the map, maybe. But I got a Nokia, which meant I just pre-downloaded the map when I was on the wireless, and then tried to only use gps (no gsm). Not sure if iPhone has something similar.

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