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Comment Re:Most secure phone there is? (Score 2) 46

I doubt the creator of PGP would be in on that conspiracy - since he's at the top of the company. I would expect that if the NSA didn't like that company (and they don't), they would do whatever they could to sabotage their commercial success, particularly via word of mouth.

As for mobile phones, you really need to go back far enough before location information was integrated into them (long before smartphones).

Comment Re:pretty much expected. (Score 4, Informative) 46

Um, because one of the guys at the top of that company is Phil Zimmerman who created PGP? And they moved the company to Switzerland to avoid the entangling fingers of the U.S. government surveillance state.

As to fixing bugs, that will always be an ongoing process. I'd like it better if they were open source, but I'd trust them better than most companies. JMHO...

Comment U.S. govt already did this in Dec 2014 (Score 1) 463

"Or, instead of trying to generally extend/eliminate the statute of limitations, they may change the law to suspend the clock when encryption is used, so the time it takes from the day the evidence is seized or sniffed to the day it is decrypted doesn't "count.""

As part of the 2015 Intelligence Authorization Act (believe that was the right name), the NSA's agents in the House and Senate inserted language into the bill (the President signed it shortly thereafter so its law now) at the last minute basically legalizing the U.S. government to vacuum up all electronic communications (i.e. all the stuff they've been doing clandestinely) and if its of interest to the intelligence establishment or it is encrypted (it specifically mentions it) then they can keep it forever (no time limits).

Comment Give the NSA popular platform to plant backdoors? (Score -1, Offtopic) 217

As the large software company most in cahoots with the NSA from what we know (pre-encryption access Skype,, etc.):

They could, reasonably, provide the NSA a good platform to plant back doors within commonly used software installed on all platforms. This should be assumed.

Comment With Skype NSA pre-encryption access coded in (Score 4, Interesting) 99

Always good to keep in mind with Skype, courtesy of Edward Snowden, Microsoft, as a partner to the NSA, rewrote it and coded in pre-encryption access for the NSA for all Skype communications (video, audio and text). Microsoft has never said it has taken them out. So always assume that whatever you do on Skype is getting recorded and kept, for future use, by the NSA or one of the other five eyes agencies.

As others have pointed out, last week the U.S. passed a law (and the President signed it), which got no press, authorizing all U.S. citizen communications can be recorded without a warrant and that information can be passed from the NSA (which was created only to spy on external threats...not anymore), kept for as long as the NSA would want and passed directly to law enforcement agencies when they want it. Its not that President Obama won't do anything with your skype communications, its what the future Nixon, McCarthy or (FBI) Hoover, or worse, will do with them.

Comment Re:Where are you going to keep your files?? (Score 1) 379

I think you're getting it - in the end they want a daily log from every system in the U.S., all citizens (otherwise known as suspects) and eventually the world - they only need time to get there. Given the language here, it seems an okay for the govt to plant malware in all citizen systems for use "when needed".

It's rather hard to see how we get out of this spiral towards a surveillance state.

Comment Need to remove the M from IBM (Score 5, Insightful) 84

Probably need to change the name to IBC and drop the M as they are rapidly on that road to not really building/creating anything anymore - and just being another offshoring consulting firm (once they offshore the managers they could change it to Indian Business Consultants).

Comment They cleaned up the story some (Score 1) 571

Now it talks about fission reactors in Navy aircraft carriers and submarines. The article notes that the fuel would be deuterium and tritium so it would have radioactive bi-products, not massive amounts but some. The article talks about future reactors could use a different fuel (boron?) to have no radioactive by-products (but the fusion reaction is harder to initiate and sustain).

All that asside this is a huge step forward...Lockheed wouldn't come out and put this in the open if they weren't very confident they could do this....the fusion age may be at hand (although Wind and Solar will almost probably be cheaper producers of power - as their costs have continued and are expected to continue to fall over time).

Comment The monitoring of passengers is a joke (Score 3, Interesting) 478

Heard an expert on infectious diseases interviewed the other day and they said the temperature taking of passengers was a joke as Ebola victims don't show a temperature until many, many days after they've been infected (i.e. it would not have caught the guy who recently died in Dallas from Ebola because he didn't have a fever when he came in). It just gives the appearance the govt is in control somehow, when they really aren't.

Definitely can't trust the government is saying regarding the disease if/once it gets established in the U.S., as preventing panic is the highest priority. The disease expert did say the industry and Feds were working night and day to get a blood test created and available and said they were probably a month or so away from that (if things continued moving along).

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