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Submission + - Evolution under fire in Russian schools

sdriver writes: If you thought it was only the US giving Darwin a hard time, Russia has its own problems starting with evolution. A student has "sued the St. Petersburg city education committee, claiming the 10th-grade biology textbook used at the Cervantes Gymnasium was offensive to believers and that teachers should offer an alternative to Darwin's famous theory." The court held hearings today.

Submission + - New Animated Star Trek In The Works

Philias writes: A new web-based Star Trek Animated Series may be in the works. CBS are considering a pitch by veteran Trek producer Dave Rossi for a 'Clone Wars' style animated series for StarTrek.com. Like Clone Wars the episodes would be just a few minutes long. Unlike the old animated Trek show from the 70s, this one would be with a whole new crew set in a new time period. The setting is to be a war-torn post-9/11-like Trek universe 150 years after the time of Picard. Details and artwork at TrekMovie.com

Submission + - "Logic bomb" backfires on hacker

Jay writes: "From Reuters, A former UBS PaineWebber employee was sentenced to eight years in prison on Wednesday for planting a computer "logic bomb" on company networks and betting its stock would go down. The investment scheme backfired when UBS stock remained stable after the computer attack and Roger Duronio lost more than $23,000."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - YouTube Whistleblower barely scratched surface

An anonymous reader writes: A previously featured story ( YouTube Used for Whistleblowing) outlined the efforts of a former Lockheed Martin engineer to bring attention to security flaws in the refurbished fleet of Coast Guard patrol boats. Interestingly, it turns out the scandal is of a much larger scale: "[The] Coast Guard did not inform Congress that it was warned two years ago by its chief engineer that a proposed National Security Cutter, meant to be the flagship of its fleet, had "significant flaws" in its structural design and should not be started until the problems were addressed." It is disappointing that more engineers did not attempt to publicize this massive defrauding of US taxpayers before it was too late.

New Mars Discoveries 109

sighted writes "The fleet of five active spacecraft examining Mars (in addition to the recently-missing Mars Global Surveyor) have been working overtime. On the heels of last week's finding of possible flows of liquid water, the ESA has announced that an entire hidden landscape exists just beneath the surface of the Red Planet, and NASA has released some really amazing images of layered topography that will yield many clues to the history of this strange world."

Skype's Free Phone Call Plan Will Soon Have Annual Fee 171

The New York Times is reporting that Skype has said it would begin charging $30 a year for unlimited calls to landline and mobile phones within the United States and Canada. From the article: "As a promotion, Skype began allowing its users to place free domestic 'SkypeOut' calls from their computers to traditional and mobile phones last May. At the time, the company said the promotion would extend only through year's end. The company is offering a half-price subscription to those who sign up before Jan. 31. Calls from one computer to another have been and will continue to be free."

Submission + - Hybrid is Smart.

adaminnj writes: "Lithium Technology Corporation recently announced that it has converted a Daimler Chrysler "Smart ForFour" into a demonstration plug-in vehicle in London. The battery system is the result of collaboration with Zytek, one of the world's leading suppliers of expertise in automotive control systems and powertrain management. The vehicle has a fuel economy of over 84 mpg and an all-electric range of 20 miles.

The battery can be charged by either the internal combustion engine (ICE) and regenerative braking or by plugging into a electric outlet.

The vehicle utilizes a hybrid power train based on a 68 hp, 1.5 liter, 3-cylinder turbo charged diesel engine coupled with two high-efficiency permanent-magnet electric motors.

http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/12/84_mpg_plu gin_h.php"

Submission + - Approaching Solar Storm forces ISS to take cover

vichyschwa writes: "A Coronal Mass Ejection resulting from an X3 Solar Flare earlier today is forcing the ISS and Shuttle astronauts to take cover and may result in communication disruptions. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/061213_solar _storm.html

From the Article:
"We're looking for very strong, severe geomagnetic storming" to begin probably around mid-day Thursday, Joe Kunches, Lead Forecaster at the NOAA Space Environment Center, told SPACE.com this afternoon.

Last week, the same sunspot generated what astronomers described as a rarely imaged solar tsunami. The activity began with an X-9 flare Dec. 5.

According to Spaceweather.com, "satellites may experience some glitches and reboots, but astronauts are in no danger." However, the astronauts were ordered to a protective area of the space station as a precaution."
Wireless Networking

Submission + - Wireless Interference Solutions?

Anonymous writes: "Ok so if anyone can provide ideas or information to help me out. I'm on the fringe of a wireless connection at my college campus. Since August it's been working fine, but ever since Thanksgiving it's been constantly down or getting interrupted while online. I had the service provider check it out, and with frequency detectors they discovered "massive amounts of interference from all directions" in my dorm. The University (supposedly) checked it out and reports no problems at all with interference in the room. Yet i've noticed during certain times anything wireless in my room goes dead, wireless internet connection, wireless gaming controllers, to name a few. I've noticed a slight connection than whenever I run my microwave the connection dies, and I've seen the Digg aritcles on wiimotes being affected by Christmas Trees, but there seems to be something else going on here, that turned my dorm into a wifi death trap for nearly a week straight, and now is constantly causing disruptions. Any ideas on causes/fixes and or how to further investiage/trace the interference?"
The Courts

Submission + - Criminal conviction in Japan over P2P

p2p wizard writes: "Internet Cases is reporting on a decision from a criminal court in Japan, in the prosecution against the creator of the file-sharing software Winny. We learn that Isamu Kaneko has been ordered to pay 1.5 million yen (almost $13,000 USD) as a fine for creating the software, even though "the court acknowledged that [Kaneko] did not actively encourage copyright infringements over the Internet.""

Submission + - Where Should I Get My Job Interview Code Samples?

crlove writes: "I'm preparing for an upcoming job interview and my interviewer will want to see some code samples. Unfortunately, all of the coding I've done work-wise since college is not only proprietary, but often classified. And to be honest, with long days at work and a busy life outside of it, I haven't had much time to code on my own.

So, what should I show my interviewer? Should I start working up some code samples? And if so, what would be considered sufficiently complex to take to an interview?"

Submission + - Test Center Daily | InfoWorld | Review: IBM and Ya

pjalan writes: IBM and Yahoo give the gift of free search Enterprise search often defines massive projects that federate information from the Web, portals, legacy databases, and business intelligence systems. Yet many organizations thrive on finding information on the Web and within their intranets or file shares — without a lot of fuss or expense. Today, IBM and Yahoo formally delivered an early holiday present to do just that. I unwrapped IBM OmniFind Yahoo Edition last week for testing. My conclusion: Thank-you cards are definitely in order.

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