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Comment Re: gitlab (Score 1) 165

To be honest, the updates aren't such a big deal. I was running and upgrading it through versions 2.x to 5.1 (or whatever is recent), and all updates went like:

- git fetch
- git checkout version-x.y
- copypaste upgrade script commands from the web
- service gitlab restart

there has not been a single error in the upgrade process, ever.

The Military

Submission + - Ukrainian Attack Dolphins Are on the Loose

Hugh Pickens writes writes: "The Ukrainian Navy has a small problem on their hands as the Atlantic reports that after rebooting the Soviet Union's marine mammal program last year with the goal of teaching dolphins to find underwater mines and kill enemy divers, three of the Ukrainian military's new recruits have gone AWOL. Apparently they swam away from their trainers ostensibly in search of a "mate" out in open waters. It might not be such a big deal except that these dolphins have been trained to "attack enemy combat swimmers using special knives or pistols fixed to their heads." Dolphins were trained at Sevastopol for the Soviet Navy as far back as 1973 to find military equipment such as sea mines on the seabed as well as attacking divers and even carrying explosives on their heads to plant on enemy ships. The US has its own dolphin program in San Diego with 40 trained dolphins and sea lions and another 50 in training. US Navy dolphins were deployed in Bahrain in 1987 during a period when Iran was laying down mines in the Persian Gulf to disrupt oil shipments. No word yet on whether "sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached” have been added to the US arsenal."

Submission + - Watch Kim Dotcom`s totally over the top MEGA launch event (blogspot.ca)

An anonymous reader writes: Kim Dotcom`s a big man, so was the launch event for MEGA. This one has everything, helicopters, tribal dancers, techno, pretty girls and of course flamboyant speeches from the man himself all from his mansion
The Internet

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: What was your favorite web comic of 2012? 3

skade88 writes: Its that time of the year again! You guessed it! Its time to do another year-end best-of roundup! Today's topic is web comics. What was your favorite web comic of 2012? Feel free to use the following categories or make up your own.

1) Best overall web comic series of 2012. (Any web comic that produced content in 2012)

2) Funniest web comic of 2012. (This one represents the single funniest comic of any web comic series.)

3) Best art in a web comic of 2012. (Web comic from 2012 with the most amazing art ever)

4) Web comic that was most relevant to you in 2012. (This one is even more subjective than the others)

I will post my choices along with why in the comments. I can't wait to see y'all's!

Submission + - Running A Linux Live KDE Desktop In 210MB (phoronix.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Slax 7.0 is a Slackware-based Linux distribution that can provide a Live USB/CD environment complete with the the KDE4 Plasma desktop in just 210MB of space. Slax can also be customized with other software modules to provide lightweight Linux installations for varying tasks. For those curious how this lightweight Linux distribution has pulled off the feat of being small and fast, the Slax creator Tomá Matejícek wrote a technical article explaining the Slax internals with booting a modern Linux desktop in just ~200MB.

Submission + - Give us your personal data or pay full fare

ebh writes: "Noted in an AP story about how fees make it difficult to compare air travel costs, is how the airline industry is moving toward tailoring offer packages (and presumably, fares) for individuals based on their personal information. Worse, "The airline association said consumers who choose not to supply personal information would still be able to see fares and purchase tickets, though consumer advocates said those fares would probably be at the "rack rate" — the travel industry's term for full price, before any discounts." Now, about those Amtrak upgrades..."

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