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Comment Re:You cannot know *WHO* is voting (Score 1) 258

And the fact that these voted ID laws never include proactive provisions to get IDs into the hands of all voters for free reveals their true intent quite clearly.

The Democrats only cry foul when its a Red State that wants the same laws that a Blue States already has. Their true intent is quite clear.

Comment Re:"Citizens united" was a coup (Score 2, Informative) 142

388 to 88. That's pretty much a consensus that crosses party lines.

Why guess that its a consensus that crosses party lines when you can know for a fact how the vote went?

I see this again and again here on slashdot. Supposed computer nerds averse to the simple act of looking at how exactly a vote went. Often times they guess, and guess wrong. This time you guessed correctly, but thats no excuse for you guessing something so fucking trivial to look up. Every vote in both the House and Senate are documented on their respective websites.

REPUBLICAN yeas 196 nays 47 nv 1
DEMOCRATIC yeas 142 nays 41 nv 5

Its as if you fucks think the information is impossible to get, rather than the exact fucking opposite. For the House its as easy as going to and clicking on the fucking calendar, or entering a query in the search box.

Even my grandmother can do it. But no, not fucking slashdot people.

Comment Re:Money or Art? (Score 1, Insightful) 175

Its worse than that.

The guy is saying how terrible it is that so few games use pixel art, and lays that on "HD fetishism" but then admits that pixel art is hard to make work well on a range of devices and because of that that he will no longer be doing any pixel art.

This can be translated: Guy whose claim to fame is pixel art is years behind the rest of the industry as to the facts of the matter of pixel art, and now he is forced to admit how behind he was but wants to blame "HD fetishism."

More pixels isn't worse.

Comment Re:An Old Story (Score 1) 386

How can you have a default deep copy? What about circular references?

Ah, the problem that never was but seems to come up again and again. The real issue is that the language doesnt provide a deep copy semantic, but because of this the common symptom is that people (like you) that try to implement deep copying (because the language lacks it) use a naive algorithm that doesnt handle circular references.

A deep copy that handles circular references is slower, but the addition cost is constant time because it only needs at most an O(1) lookup and O(1) insert at every node.

Now the reason that people assume that the "problem" is real arent actually well seated in the algorithm department. If you are puzzled over "lookup" and "insert" in the previous paragraph, that means you.

Comment Re:Never talk about feminity crisis. (Score 1) 950

She flirted shamelessly, but the guy ignored her and instead asked out her friend - who promptly turned him down.
They then both called the guy "an idiot".

Or more straight to the point - he liked her friend, not her. Her friend tells her what she wants to hear ("well then hes an idiot because you are a great catch.")

What a guy wants isnt important. Our society is skewed heavily against mens natures right from the start. We now pour pharmaceuticals down young boys throats, labeling their behaviors as "acting up" and/or an "attention deficit disorder."

Just listened to an NPR segment a few weeks back about the negative stigma attached to "being an old maid" -- single middle-aged females.. They were dispelling the myth that "there must be something wrong with her" yet here we are not two weeks later and instead of dispelling any myths that there must be something wrong with a single middle-aged man, its bad "because psychology science!"

The problem with psychology as a science is that the fundamental axioms that its based on arent actually anything fundamental. They are arbitrarily selected "expectations."

In this case their fundamental axioms also mean that its bad to be introverted. The idea that something is clearly wrong with someone that minimizes socialization is baked right in. If the statement "Introverted people are mentally ill" doesnt sound right to you, then nothing this study has come up with should sound right to you either.

Comment Re:This Is Great! (Score 0) 612

I recall from a survey a while about about 75% of Slashdot readers are leftists. The same lefists who are extremely pro-immigration and talk about how immigration enriches our society and benefits everyone.

One thing you need to learn about leftists is that they accuse others of what they are secretly guilty of, or would be guilty of if only they had the chance. Here they quickly accuse others ("evil corporations") of being greedy, but its their own greed thats on the table. They are dismayed that a corporation capable of replacing them with cheaper workers goes ahead and does so. Never does it cross their mind that they are overpaid.

Ultimately they think only of themselves. That whole leftist thing they champion is itself just a self-serving script. They can easily feel good about themselves so long as its not them thats getting hurt by their ideas. When challenged to put their money where their mouth is, they are immediately and viciously up in arms about it. How dare those evil corporations bring in cheap labor for their jobs.

Disclaimer: Most of the people I work with are from other nations, and quite a few dont speak any english. They have all come to the Capitalist United States for a better life, but not always for the same reasons. A few are Egyptians that fled their country because they are also Christians. Many are Chinese that would otherwise be subsistence farming. A fairly large group of South Americans from both Brazil and Puru. We've also got Haitians, Jamaicans, and Dominicans. We have lost of few Ukrainians because they have gone back home to fight against the Russians. We have Indians too (with the dot and with the feathers) as well as Pakistanis and Iranians.

We've got liberals and conservatives, but not fucking leftists. We unionized but thats not leftism, just real liberalism. One of the problem with the so called liberals of silicon valley is that they are actually pretty fucking weak on the real liberalism stuff:


The silicon valley liberal doesn't really care much for others peoples liberty if it doesn't go along with their self-serving sound bites or worse their greed.

Comment Re:I tried, man (Score -1, Troll) 612

He just isnt willing to work for what these H1B's are willing to work for.

The evidence that many of you IT folks are overpaid is on the table. The cognitive dissonance leads to anger and hate. The alternative is not protectionism. In no way will artificially keeping your wages high benefit our society. Inefficiency is never a net benefit. if the inefficiency benefits you then sure you want to keep it going, but thats greed. Not the fake greed some are so often accused of. When you wish for our society to be lessened through the shackles of mandated inefficiency for only your own benefit, thats pure greed. The evil kind.

Now that these 500 super-star IT people were laid off... where are the startups they are starting?

Comment Re:Of course, there's this (Score 1) 176

You are looking at this shit all wrong, which is why I wont even bother with your absurd subsidy figures.

The fact is that the federal balance sheets have a big fat (+) next to oil companies, and and big fat (-) next to solar companies. One industry is putting hundreds of billions net per year into the federal budget, while another is taking billions net per year out.

Biased much?

Comment Re:Of course, there's this (Score 1) 176

And in your opinion, where from come the R&D money? From Santa Claus?

Primarily Uncle Sam.

You should head up the page to the subsidies argument, where you can bicker one way or the other about how the billions per year that the government hands out to green tech is or is not a subsidy.

My guess is you will find some way to justify the idea that it isnt a subsidy... just like right here where you found a way to ignore it completely.

Comment Re:Hate for Uber (Score 1) 132

I'm not sure how Yellow Taxi is some sort of "ideal" to strive for. Local taxi companies are corrupt and hand in hand with the politicians. The are exclusionary. I guess if opening up markets to new participants makes me "greedy" then I am "greedy".

You are blind to the disconnect between this view and your view on voters "voting against their best interests." Quite inconsistent. A yellow cab driver that supports uber and votes based on this support would be "voting against his/her best interests" as you so callously decided. You arent the arbiter of what is or is not in the best interest of others, especially when principles are on the table.

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