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Comment If you really don't like web apps (Score 2) 264

Then you should either write your own QT controls (and sell them or open source them). Or stick with Windows.

I think POS is fine as a web app, as you can run a browser on any POS these days, and have it communicate to a small stub on localhost so that local operations (like system management) and cached/offline operations can still work in case the POS is temporarily disconnected.

That opens you up to doing a mix of javascript for the GUI part, and the server back-end in C++, Java, Python, Ruby, NodeJS, Haskell, whatever. There are good server frameworks for just about all of those (except maybe C++).

Comment Windows 7 is my last windows (Score 1) 640

I don't plan on upgrading Windows. There are games and applications for other operating systems now, Android, Linux, ChromeOS, etc. My main Window 7 box has a few more years of life in it yet, and by then I anticipate that I won't need to buy windows at all. Likely most of anything I want to run is going to run in wine on one of the many fine Linux distros, or be re-released for Android.

Comment My prediction on the difference from Tesla (Score 1) 426

The main difference between Chevy Bolt vs Tesla Model 3, is that Tesla doesn't lose money on every car sold.

While Nissan may have managed to turn a profit on the Leaf, I am pretty skeptical that Chevy can pull it off considering their general history.

I'm saying this as a "chevy guy", I mainly buy chevys. But I have a pretty low opinion on GM's business plans and their ability to execute complex product roll outs.

tl;dr- Happy customer, but I'd never buy their stock.

Comment Re:UTF-32 would save memory in some cases (Score 1) 165

Yes, your tiled data would be limited to situations where the NFC (Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition/Composition) is a single code point. It's extremely difficult to find exceptions that are valid in an extant natural language, but they do exist.

If the tiles themselves require multiple code points, where the number of code points is greater than about 3, then UTF-8+pointer is the more compact solution than a fixed UTF-32 array. (by my rough napkin estimations). A fixed UTF-8 array doesn't really offer any advantage over UTF-32, as the utf8 version can hold fewer code points in the worst case as the encoding can be up to 50% larger in some weird corner cases.

My comments were only about tiled data. Naming items (strings) in the game seems easiest to do as UTF-8. As a lot of the existing functions can work, and you don't have to alter the file format for bones and saves. The utf-8 versions might even show up correctly on old binaries, although the positioning on the screen would likely be screwed up.

Comment Why the overreaction? (Score 4, Informative) 166

"It was a mistake by an individual..."

A with out good process, more individuals will be making more mistakes. Mistakes that "will approach $1 billion". There is a good reason people are going to walk up the chain and start blaming entire contracting companies, and hopefully start blaming the people that hired the contractors, and blame the people who wrote the processes that the contractors were supposed to follow.

If we can't get the storage of nuclear waste from weapons and power production right, then we're in a real pickle. A terrible radioactive pickle.

Comment UTF-32 would save memory in some cases (Score 1) 165

A UTF-8 string would require a pointer to it, on a 64-bit system that's 8 bytes, plus the overhead of dynamic allocation (typically 8 bytes). But if you only needed a single character, then a UTF-32 could accomplish that in 4 bytes. Effectively making UTF-32 one quarter the size of a typical UTF-8 implementation, when operating with the constraint that there is a single character per data structure/item/tile/object/whatever.

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