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Comment $100k astroturf (Score 4, Interesting) 52

This $100k astroturf project was money well spent in that their effort got me to watch 5 minutes of it. The film is crap obviously, and it's only viral because of the media attention it received. (does that make it not really viral?)

I wish the behind the scenes video covered how the PR campaign worked and how journalists were contacted, I would have found that level of detail very useful indeed.

Comment Re:Pursuit of Happiness (Score 1) 886

I will take my business elsewhere, and so will a lot of other people.

We don't have to operate our society as a free market experiment if we don't want to. We're not really setup to live some kind of libertarian utopia, so what you suggest isn't going to work well without an overhaul of our system. Luckily there is already a system in place that has mostly worked well for modern society, so maybe we should use it.

We operate a representative democracy that [theoretically] answers to the people, and has a long history of actively preventing a tyranny of the majority by offering some protection to minority view points. (minority in the most general sense of the word). A community can assert certain standards of behavior from individuals if those standards do not illegal and ideally are not unethical.

You can interpret this as the government taking away your "rights", and get upset about the restriction. I prefer to view this as all of us collectively agreeing to some limitations on individuals in order to operate a desirable society. (agreeing, but not unanimously, and not necessarily formally)

I'm not sure how we romanticized each of us living as a rugged individual that answers to no one. King of our castle, and master of our domain.

I choose to live among other human beings and seek ways to coexist with them.

Comment Re:Leave then (Score 1) 886

For that matter a gay baker shouldn't have to bake a cake for a real marriage.

Only marriages performed by the Roman Catholic Church are real. Protestant marriages aren't real.

But I'll make your kids a birthday cake, I mean assuming they've been baptized.

Jehovah's Witnesses would have a real tough time as a baker, not being able to celebrate birthdays and all. We should probably make a law to offset the amount of money they lost not being able to be competitive in the birthday cake business. Would be easy to structure it as a tax on all baked goods that is split among Jehovah's Witnesses.

Comment Re:This is a great excuse (Score 1) 119

"Eclipse or whatever" doesn't work in a terminal window, but nano does.

Matches work in places electric lights do not, so we should all switch to matches.

Anyone who is going to bother learning a text editor will learn a better one.

I didn't realize there was much to learn, can't people figure out how to use more than one text editor? We are talking about programmers and sysadmins aren't we, they're supposed to be experts in these matters.

Comment Re:World War III (Score 1) 54

dunno, you kind of sound like you have no idea what the law was used for. you think it was used for banning muslim caricatures? noooope. it wasn't for that. it was more for banning you from whistleblowing that the local mayor is an asshole.

Given that we're both common law systems, I see no reason why it's not going to go progress beyond that point.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
