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Comment Re:Teachers may teach Math differently to the sexe (Score 1) 384

Maybe count how many questions were about bullets, cars, boats, and velocities. Not sure about math, but in physics it's a well-known issue with textbooks... they just appeal to male interests, but you can create a textbook that covers the same content but teaches it using more relative examples.

Comment Should we blame Police for break-ins? (Score 1) 479

Every year around here the police do a media blitz trying to get people to lock their cars, make sure their garage doors are closed, etc. Is that blaming the victim? That doesn't mean the burglar isn't to blame, but it does make life harder for the police when criminals find it so easy to pick a target. It's well known that theft is mostly a matter of opportunity. The white-hat hackers are just the ones who've been screaming for years, "for god's sake people, don't store your front door keys under the mat!"

Comment Re:hmmm (Score 1) 104

We can't allow some beret-wearing-mac-toting hipster web site developer to be held responsible, now can we? Actually, all jesting aside, it's right to hold the organization accountable, and possibly key people at the organization if it can be shown that they didn't fulfill their duty (and clearly someone didn't). The contractor is almost never responsible legally in this case, though if the contract demanded that the software do something and it didn't do it, then the organization may be able to sue for breach of contract.

Comment Yes (Score 1) 572

This is a very common way to solve the problem of "how do we do a virus scan on files coming in through https?" Many organizations run a proxy server for all web requests to be able to filter content, and to do anti-virus checks, but obviously it needs to view the unencrypted content to be able to do a scan. Otherwise any employee could be downloading malicious content straight through your firewall and bypass all the checks you have in place.

Comment Re:This has been dealt with (Score 1) 937

Exactly. If a manufacturer makes a car that explodes when hit in a rear-end collision (Ford Pinto), they get sued. If they installed faulty brake lines, they'd get sued. If they provide a self-driving car, they have to make it "reasonably safe", where "reasonable" is determined by the current state of the art in that field of engineering, or by a jury informed by expert witnesses.

Comment Re:To say these are flaws is an opinion (Score 1) 161

Ok, so they made a car with (limited) remote controls that have the same security as a typical website. What could go wrong? Honestly, it's just a really bad idea. I would want it guaranteed that there was a way to completely disable any remote control functionality, so if you still want to have diagnostics and monitoring, etc., then you have to install some kind of data diode to really made it secure. But that's the right way to do it.

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