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Comment Re:am disappoint (Score 1) 78

In theory I would like to agree with this, but Firefox and Chrome say otherwise. In the last year, they've gone from speedy on a Core2Duo to bloated and slow on a modern i5.

You want to know the only machine I have that Firefox runs well on including my extensions? A 5Ghz (heavily overclocked, of course) i5... Even the i5 in my laptop (which turbo boosts up to 3GHz) struggles at times.

Yes, I know, I should pare down my selection of extensions etc. - but shouldn't a 3GHz i5 with an SSD and 16 gigs of RAM be able to run a simple browser without issues? And more often than not, it's the websites themselves that are slowing everything down - Slashdot is fine, but loading multimedia-heavy pages actually puts a noticeable load on a modern laptop CPU, which is quite different from a few years ago.

Comment Re:Extended Range (Score 1) 128

"Since ~2008 I know they've increased the energy density of their 18650 cells by 20-30%, which would correspond to a 20-30% increase in range no matter what."

Don't they just use Panasonic cells? Last report I saw, they used NCR18650A 3100mAh cells, and I'm guessing by now they've moved on to the newer NCR18650B 3400mAh cells... which would explain the capacity increase. Where are you getting the info that they're manufacturing their own cells?

Comment Re:Battery life? (Score 1) 182

That's actually not true. I'm typing this from a Win8 tablet that gets 10+ hours out of a 30Wh battery... not shoddy by any means.

Of course, if you're running an i5 with active cooling in your tablet a la Surface Pro, you'll see significantly lower battery life. The HP tablets are likely to have very low power parts though.

Comment Re: now that its not $700 (Score 1) 182

People who know what they're doing use standby or at least hibernate. The rest boot... seriously, 90% of the people I know with Windows 8 laptops praise them for their fast boot times, because even with XP and 7 they used to perform a full boot every time they wanted to use their device. Years of conditioning ("Windows only runs properly when it's freshly rebooted!"), I suppose :(


Astrophysicists Use Apollo Seismic Array To Hunt For Gravitational Waves 25

KentuckyFC writes: Back in the 1970s, the astronauts from Apollos 12, 14, 15, and 16 set up an array of seismometers on the lunar surface to listen for moonquakes. This array sent back data until 1977, when NASA switched it off. Now astrophysicists are using this lunar seismic data in the hunt for gravitational waves. The idea is that gravitational waves must squeeze and stretch the Moon as they pass by and that at certain resonant frequencies, this could trigger the kind of seismic groans that the array ought to have picked up. However, the data shows no evidence of activity at the relevant frequencies.

That's important because it has allowed astronomers to put the strongest limits yet on the strength of gravitational waves in this part of the universe. Earlier this year, the same team used a similar approach with terrestrial seismic data to strengthen the existing limits by 9 orders of magnitude. The lunar data betters this by yet another order of magnitude because there is no noise from sources such as oceans, the atmosphere and plate tectonics. The work shows that good science on gravitational waves can be done without spending the hundreds of millions of dollars for bespoke gravitational wave detectors, such as LIGO, which have yet to find any evidence of the waves either.

Comment Re:Drugs and programming (Score 2) 168

The interesting thing is that I seem to have conditioned myself to only be good at videogames (I play mostly Counter-Strike GO these days) when I've had a sip of beer - not even a lot of beers, just one or two over the course of a few hours of gaming. I can't hit anything when I haven't cracked open a beer, but as soon as I take that first sip, the headshots start coming.

I'm actually sliding down in the ranks slowly because I've been too lazy to buy beer lately...

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