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Comment Re:Run coward run!!!!! (Score 0) 536

What backlash?

Guess you missed the part where he's being charged with espionage.

He didn't even really say anything we didn't already know and have known for years.

You are aware there's a massive difference between tin-hatted "I know they're watching me" bullshit espoused on sites like this and the actual facts revealed in this matter, right? I hope you're aware, anyway. The alternative is that you're a moron.

Comment Re:I hate them both (Score 1, Funny) 319

I guess it was easy in the old days when no one gave a shit if your software actually did anything. Unfortunately for the real world, you don't just get to target 15 or 20 experts anymore. There are now BILLIONS of users.

The scale probably hasn't sunk through the grey yet, but don't worry, you'll die someday and not have to worry about it.

Comment Re:I don't want to be "that guy", however (Score 0) 319

I like C#. .NET is fine for what it is, although it's very apparent where the influences came from. Where Java absolutely wins, in my experience, is the sheer volume of libraries available. You can do damn near anything with some dependency declarations and a bit of glue code.

Submission + - Sunflowers Use Fibonacci Numbers (

sciencehabit writes: The spiraling shapes in cauliflower, artichoke, and sunflower florets) share a remarkable feature: The numbers of clockwise and counterclockwise spirals are consecutive Fibonacci numbers—the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on, so that each number is the sum of the last two. What's more, those spirals pack florets as tight as can be, maximizing their ability to gather sunlight for the plant. But how do plants like sunflowers create such perfect floret arrangements, and what does it have to do with Fibonacci numbers? A plant hormone called auxin, which spurs the growth of leaves, flowers, and other plant organs, is the key: Florets grow where auxin flows. Using a mathematical model that describes how auxin and certain proteins interact to transport each other around inside plants, researchers could predict where the hormone would accumulate. Simulations of that model reproduced patterns exactly matching real "Fibonacci spirals" in sunflowers. Based on their results, the researchers suggest that such patterns might be more universal in nature than previously thought.

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