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Journal Journal: Valentine reflexion

Irenka said one can be arrested in Saudi Arabia for carrying flowers on Valentine's Day.
I don't care much about Valentine's, but the zeal of some governments in oppressing people lead me to wish a special weapon to fight a war I'd gladly participate in: A mean to specifically disable (without hurting if possible) the members of government. No harm to the general population.
===Abuse of power comes as no surprise===Jenny Holzer===

User Journal

Journal Journal: The Origin of Species

The Great Dubhugu (Hail His Name) collapsed in the couch, gulped beer and called His Grandson, The Great Creator of Species. "There are problems at my hunting grounds, Kfilifihi. Thou shall ynvestigate."
His Father's wish was His duty. "One day it will change. It shall be me opening this story and creating the species." And so he went.
We leave TGD(HHN) until the next gulp of beer. The sun was setting down, casting invisible shadows of the animals-to-be and the plants-to-be. "So be it. Fkdbhgxz, come here." He caled His dentist. "Go create those species. All of them." He handed him te list. "But do it in such a way, that the Darwinists would never know."
And so he went and created the species. And the Darwinists did never know.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Anniversaries suck!!!

Jan. 27th declared by UN as "International Day for Remembering the Holocaust Victims" (my transl. from polish newspaper.)

Hands off my birthday, UN! Go away! Take any other day, or better introduce a new day in the calendar for each important Day, so noone gets hurt.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Misc[0]

Next war:
Observe lands with disappearing middle class, growing group of poor, violence. This is the raw material for army. Is such process the result of intentional manipulation?

User Journal

Journal Journal: October

Arek's gone (-)
Petra arrives (+)
Lydia arrived (+)
Lina arrived (+)
Grazyna expected (+)

Friend balance sheet of a resident of Japan...
Irene, hurry up!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Translation of Jul4th post


I wrote:
Ze co prosze?
Ze mam sie cieszyc z wyrabania krateru w komecie? A zapytal sie kto czy mozna? A moze nie mozna i ktos na tej komecie poczuje sie Bardzo Urazony i rozpierdoli nasza planetke w drzazgi... Nie zebym bral to na powaznie, ale przeciez macie panowie i panie niezly tupet. Zbyt niezly jak na mój gust. Milego swietowania.

In English (+/-):
Beg your pardon, what?
That I should be glad about hacking of crater in a comet? Did anyone ask for permission? What if it's not permitted and someone on that comet finds themselves Very Offended and 'rozpierdoli' our planet into smithereens... Not that I take it seriously, but do a nerve you have, ladies and gentlemen. Too much for my taste. Wishing you nice celebrations.

('rozpierdolic' means to destroy by an act of violent fuck, or blow; closest is Russian 'razpizdit', which is beyond me to express in English)

And thank you sweet - yes, the comment about posting in Polish on "American-centric" thread illustrates my point so well. The nerve to state that! Very American indeed. No reflexions from Teh Rulerz, right? :-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: war or terror

If war, Guantanamo prisoners are POWs.
If they are not POWs, what was the Afghanistan operation? Terror?

I lie, therefore I'm US administration.
I swallow lies, therefore I'm US electorate.
I think I'm upset.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Tools with policies

The policies that someone will set for you:
Digital Restriction Management (DRM) on our PC's.
Cutting Safety Measures (CSM) on our knives.

Heard that CSM will be decided by food processing industry to protect you from injuries. The knife is not going to cut some kinds of meat and vegetables. Toast bread makers suggest cutting bread causes considerable risk to fingers.

Now, CSM was a joke, but DRM not. Computers are tools of my profession. Damn...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Birthdays

Staszek May 8th
Mirka March 25th
Marysia May 16th
Dorota Feb 22nd
Andrey Aug 24th
Ruzan Aug 10th
Nadia Sep 12th
Lena Jan 17th
Irene Jun 17th
Ryan Jun 7th
Midori ???
Masha Dec 7th
Petra Feb 1st
Marta Nov 17th

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bootloader and shitloader

Wrote the bootloader for our new SH2 board. Break from UML for a while, what a fun to talk pure C again! Sections, FLASH, DMA - all the joys of bitflipping.
Like someone in NO said during flood: "Give us another idiot!" I missed Irene, she'd say the same. Heard a politicoid performing Von Muenchausen's bootstrap from the shit he brew? Mr. Bush again - he will "take the full responsibility" and himself investigate (himself?). Oh dear...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Moaning News

1. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Conservative U.S. evangelist Pat Robertson apologized on Wednesday for calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, saying he spoke in frustration earlier in the week.
-I don't give Mr. Chavez another year, wish to be wrong.
2. Bush: We will complete the mission
-Right! The target of 1M casualties still not met.
3. Israel seizes Palestinian land for barrier
-Just can't stop it, doctor...

User Journal

Journal Journal: Licence to kill

Was it Great Britain or Israel? China? The only scary thing about terrorism is the use of "exceptional measures" by regimes. Outside of law. Shoot to kill. To protect us from _real_ danger, better shoot folks smoking in public places or Philip Morris employees. Lung cancer kills more efficiently than suicide bombers.
Do I have the sinking feeling? Yes, we are damned.

User Journal

Journal Journal: April 3rd, morning 1

"The mass media can and must promote justice and solidarity according to an organic and correct vision of human development, by reporting events accurately and truthfully, analyzing situations and problems completely, and providing a forum for different opinions. An authentically ethical approach to using the powerful communication media must be situated within the context of a mature exercise of freedom and responsibility, founded upon the supreme criteria of truth and justice."

User Journal

Journal Journal: Can't force this into 8859-2 nor UTF-8 encoding...

So no entry today. It was meant to be a story of a fish who had her wishes come true in a great hurry, resulting in quite a mess. She was pledging for her life after all. Can't be cool at all times, _especially_ when your blurred vision recognizes a knife and frying pan waiting ready. And the hook! Don't forget, she might have been misspelling.

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