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Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 1) 451

And who pays for the insurance? Why should I pay for it if the accident will not be caused by me, but by some programmer who forgot to take some variable into account when writing the software for my car?

I understand that I am responsible for the accident if:
1) I was actually driving the car (like it is now)
2) I neglected to maintain the car, therefore some part of it failed and resulted in the accident.

However, if the software causes the accident all by itself, why should I pay for it? Especially if I had no way to prevent the accident.

Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 2) 451

One problem is who will bear the responsibility for the accident. As it is now, if I hit another car or a person, I am responsible for it and am punished for it. This is fair. Now, if a self-driving car hits someone and the car was maintained properly (no problems with brakes etc), then the accident was really caused by the software. Will the manufacturer pay for the damage caused? Because now I am not responsible for something I had no control over.

Another problem is that when a self-driving car causes an accident, it will be something that would have been obvious to a human driver, resulting in the general opinion that self driving cars are stupid.

As for me, I love my car made in 1982 with no computers in it (yes, it has a carburetor and mechanical controls) and would not want to replace it with a car that has software. Not as much for the software by itself, but the possibilities of lock-in, DRM, hacking and so on.

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 1) 760

Well, most people probably will not buy new cars just to be able to drive over the speed limit (though it may influence their choice of a car when they are looking to buy one).

However, if you increased speed limit in the city from 50km/h to 60km/h, then most people would drive at 70 with some doing 80. (actually the speed limit was 60km/h a long time ago and was reduced for precisely this reason). However, hitting a pedestrian at anything above 50km/h drastically reduces their chances of survival.

Comment Re:Tickets Are All About Revenue (Score 2) 760

In my country, the police does not have to "earn their keep" by bringing in fines. For example, all speed cameras are preceded by a sign informing the driver of the speed camera (and the sign is far enough away from the camera that you can slow down to the speed limit unless you were driving really fast). The rationale for the signs is this: "Although not having the signs would result in more tickets, having the signs makes everyone drive slow in the vicinity of the camera, and people obeying the speed limit is our goal".

Comment Re:Sounds good (Score 3, Insightful) 760

The problem with increasing the speed limits is that some people will drive over the limit no matter what the limit is, figuring that (in my country) for +10km/h you only get a warning and for +20km/h the fine isn't that big, so they can afford it.

Having more speed cameras helps (in my country the speed cameras are preceded by an informational sign announcing their presence) as people drive slower when they know that they can get their picture taken.

As for the %income fines for the zero income people, I do not know how the law is in Finland, but IMO it could be that if you get zero income then you have to spend the 12 days or whatever in jail or doing community service.

Comment Re:HOWTO (Score 1) 1081

I didn't say that the whole legal system of the USSR was good, just that the conditions in prison were such that if one was sent there (be it for an actual crime or for speaking out against the Party) after being released, they did not want to return there. Unlike today where we hear about complaints from prisoners that they do not get enough vitamins or that not being able to get their girlfriends to spend the night with them is torture. You beat somebody up severely or killed them (either deliberately or by driving drunk at 100km/h in the city (speed limit 50)), you do not get to spend your sentence by having fun.

There is a Russian movie about a guy who is likely to go to prison but does not want to (obviously). He sees on TV that some foreign country (forgo which, I saw that movie years ago) has TVs in prisons and good conditions in general, so he goes to that country and tries various sorts of low crimes (braking a window etc) to get arrested and sent to prison figuring that if he is incarcerated in that country, he won't spend time in a Russian prison.

As for the death penalty and mistakes - I think that the death penalty should only be applied in those cases where he proof of guilt is beyond any doubt (rather than the lower requirement used normally).

Comment Re:HOWTO (Score 5, Interesting) 1081

In my country, these crimes happened quite recently (and got a lot of media attention), the criminals were caught and convicted, but not all got life in prison. Maybe they should move to where you live after getting out of prison.

1. Two school students murdered a 17 year old girl (using an axe, a hammer and a metal bar) then cut her body up into very small pieces and threw those pieces outside, while keeping one piece i the fridge for eating later. During trial one of the murders said that what they did was not cruel because they killed the victim before cutting her up. They got 20 years, hopefully they are not released sooner for good behavior.
2. A girl (17 years old) was waiting for a bus when a car stopped and the two guys in the car offered a ride. The girl refused (smart), bu then thee guys just forced her into the car, raped her then put her (still alive) in the trunk and lit the car on fire. The ciminals were previously convicted on multiple lesser crimes. At least these guys got life in prison. And they probably will have a "great" time while in prison.

In both cases a noose or a bullet would have been more appropriate.

Or at least the prison should be how it was when my country was part of the USSR - no TV, no complaining that you do not like the conditions there and also hard work for some. When people got out of prison they did not want to return there at all, unlike some criminals now who get out of prison, start committing crimes again and go back to prison shortly after.

Comment Re:No warning ? (Score 1) 204

That test found that Samsung SSDs are the best, though we found that they are not good.

Had a couple of 840 Pros (512GB) in a RAID1 array. After some time the array would slow down. One drive became slower than the other (fio reports 7k random write IOPS on one drive and the number is constant, but the other drive gets 6k IOPS and the numbers sometimes drops to 400).
OK, what about 850 Pro (1TB). Well, after some time the array became very slow due to one drive becoming slow.

No more Samsung SSDs for us. Obviously, 4 drives are not a a good sample, but two drives failing the same way out of four drives total is a good indication o not buy from that manufacturer anymore. Intel DC-S3500 works great, just that they are difficult to get (local suppliers almost never have them in stock, resulting in a long wait after ordering).

Comment Re:file magic - use the content to determine type (Score 1) 564

That fails if the file is stored on tape or a similar archive. Let's say that there is a big file server with tape storage attached to it and the server automatically moves files that were not used in some time to the tape to save on disk space. This is transparent to the user, so he sees all files and if he tries to access one, it either comes from disk or tape (with some delay).

But if the operating system tries to access all files every time the directory is listed just to determine the file type you get a problem. Or what if the user is connected to the file server with a very slow link (dial-up, GPRS).

Comment Re:if you run a VPN, they can't do shit (Score 1) 112

Because it would be difficult to find a VPN service that could do 300-500mbps. Also because my ISP does not care that I upload a few terabytes per day.

My ISP does throttle me to 80-100mbps during peak hours, but I do not care (the average is still good enough) and the ISP would throttle me even if I used VPN.

Comment Re:Uber is the problem! Let's ban it! (Score 1) 91

So, why add another potential rape by trying to save a few euros for a bus ticket? I understand the really poor people doing it as buying the bus ticket may mean not being able to afford to buy food. But not someone who has a PC, internet connection and a smartphone with internet connection.

Comment Re:Uber is the problem! Let's ban it! (Score 1) 91

If the hitchhiker is a good looking girl the driver might be willing to giver her a lift to a nearby forest...

A very publicized case of this happened recently where I live. The girl arranged the ride trough Facebook (it seems to be the trendy thing to do among young people) and the driver raped and murdered her.

Comment Re:Government Intervention (Score 1) 495

The city built fiber and then didn't use it? And I though the politicians in my country are corrupt.

At least the government in my country encourages competition, for example:
1. Most of the cables in cities were given to the telephone company. However, they are required by law to allow others to pull new cables trough their conduits at a set price.
2. If you build a cell tower, you are required by law to allow others to place antennas on it at a set price
3. The telephone company is required to lease the customer phone lines to other companies (so that there is more than one DSL provider even though there is only one POTS provider).

As a result we have multiple ISPs to choose from in the cities and up to 500mbps up/down for 23.14EUR/month (and this is from the telephone company - one of the more expensive and reliable ISPs, there are other, more local ISPs that provide cheaper service).

Comment Re:Government Intervention (Score 5, Informative) 495

There is another reason (at least in my country).

Instead of giving money to ISPs and asking them politely to connect rural areas to a fiber network (like I understand happened in the US resulting in the ISPs taking the money and doing nothing) the government in my country is laying the fiber cables itself and then leases it to anyone who wants to use it at a set price. Which means that if ISP A does not want it, ISP B will get it.

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