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Comment Highly Skilled? (Score 2) 225

Biden said he also learned from his talks with tech's top CEOs that 200,000 of the jobs that companies provide each year to highly-skilled H-1B visa holders could in fact be done by Americans with no more than a two-year community college degree.

How are they highly skilled if they could be replaced by 2 year community college degree holders? If any this just shows how much companies are abusing H1B's to get cheap foreign workers when they could be encouraging high school students to get these mythical 2 year community college degrees that are in such high demand.

Comment Re:105 megabits per second (Score 2) 401

You don't know how he uses it or what his income is or if he's even paying for it (work might reimburse it) so how could you possibly know if it's a waste of money. Maybe he needs to download gigs of data for work... Also download speed isn't the only aspect of a connection, perhaps they wanted higher upstream bandwidth or lower latency.

Comment Re:It's a joke article (Score 1) 128

Come on.
The article is a joke.
" A chess facilitator brain implant would be wired between perception and cognition. You would just look at the board and know if it is checkmate." Did the original poster not realize this?

It's more along the lines of astroturfing than a joke. The linked article is a blog post on a data analysis company's website. The author is basically dreaming up ways for his company to profit off a minor/nonexistent problem.

Comment Re:Hmm... (Score 1) 265

I'm missing the part where something in Dubai is waiting to be a dystopia...

What do you mean "waiting to be".

For most of the Indian and Filipino "guest workers" it already is.

That is kind of the point. The article is titled "Dubai's Climate-Controlled Dome City Is a Dystopia Waiting To Happen" and Shoten is saying that everything about Dubai already is one.

Comment Re:Responsive Design Mode (Score 1) 60

The idea isn't that every Web designer in the world should have his or her own wall of screens, but that you and other people who make sites and games and such might collaborate on setting up a group of displays that includes some of the most popular OSes, browsers, and device form factors.

I did not even imply anything about it being a personal collection. My point was that most of the layout specific problems can be easily seen without ever touching a device beyond your work PC. Mobile app devs need device labs way more than web devs do but this article is targeted at web devs not app devs.

Comment Re:enforce existing laws? (Score 1) 490

Around here cyclists have a sense of entitlement. You can be sitting in your car, at a red light and watch cars and cyclists cross in front of you. When their light turns red and your light turns green, the cars will stop but the cyclists will keep crossing in spite of the red... So you and 100 other cars are sitting at a green light waiting for the stream of cyclists to stop... I've been at the front and started to creep through the green in hopes of signalling that maybe their turn is over... The result is a nice finger gesture...

In California at least, entering the intersection without room to clear it is illegal. AFAIK it's a pretty universal law so although they likely violated the law, you probably did as well. By entering the intersection you are blocking traffic in another direction and compounding the problem.

Comment Re:Perfect for every kind of cunt (Score 1) 427

As an LA resident, I can confirm that parking isn't any fucking easier here than in SFO. We might have wider streets, but everyone still insists on having a car. Seriously, people *move* just so they can have a better chance of parking. I live in K-Town, and it's all street parking in my neighborhood and on some nights, my gf has to park a quarter-mile/half-mile away, especially if a club is having an event.

SFO is an airport not a city.

Comment Don't block it, QoS it. (Score 5, Interesting) 159

There's no reason to avoid using your bandwidth when you can use QoS to deprioritize it so that they can still update any time the bandwidth is available. Most any linux router can do this with tc and iptables, or sometimes with less configurability through their GUI's.

At home you have control over the devices and can just disable them from automatically updating.

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