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Comment severe plutonium shortage (Score 2) 419

NASA has only enough for about 3-4 more missions before it runs out.
The US doesnt manufacture the kind they need. They got some from dismantling Russian warheads, but no longer. The upcompiong Juno-Jupiter mission was converted to solar power, about the distance limit they can do with solar cells.

Comment remember Udacity "rescuing" San Jose State? (Score 1) 179

Tech MOOCs was supposed to be a cost-efficient way of remedial education for the half of freshmen who needed it. But it not work. MOOCs are generally for self-disciplined and motivated students, the opposite ot those who never reached 8th grade proficiency levels and need remedial work. Sometimes more tech is not the answer.

Comment only record 1 in million "events" (Score 2) 85

The make a quick assessment whether a particle shower is interesting, then store it for future analysis. The four detector complexes have up to 10K subdetectors each, different directions and energies. Then you propose what a certain decay sequence might look like and sift the trillion recorded explosions.

For exeample there were several dozen possible decay paths for the Higgs, but only a handful were detectable in this setup. It took longer to analyze the data than run the machine.

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