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Comment Re:I wonder why it's taken so long (Score 1) 45

As with everything else Google does, unless the product increases ad revenue it will never be given any serious attention. The release of this sort of chaff is to make the average person think they are a diverse technology company, which distracts from what they actually are, an advertising company.

Comment Betting the farm, without having the skills (Score 1) 43

Facebook have an awful track record for making hardware. Although thereâ(TM)s no reason why eventually they canâ(TM)t get good at it, it will take time, and many product iterations.

The problem is that theyâ(TM)ve bet the farm on this working, theyâ(TM)ve raised the expectations to fever pitch levels. There is every chance that the hardware, and the experience will suck. This wouldnâ(TM)t have necessarily been a problem if theyâ(TM)d approached it in a calm way. But they havenâ(TM)t. People will be put off, the whole thing will be panned and turn into a PR nightmare.

All that before we even start taking about how the whole metaverse idea is a non-starter to begin with.

Comment High standards (Score 0) 37

How is it that a bug like this on another platform wouldn't even register, yet for Apple products it's like the sky has fallen in?

Apple have built a rod for their own backs, they hold themselves to such high standards that trivial stuff like this is almost front page news. Either that or a portion of the media love to highlight any negative press on Apple for some reason.

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