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Comment Re:As a woman, may I just say this... (Score 1) 376

You've got to love a woman talking like a queen bee. I agree with your post completely. Wales is doing things fine up 'til now. Wikipedia is a great resource even for my boss/professor. Oh before I forget, women are doing fine also with or without Wikipedia the last time I checked. Hopefully Wikipedia will teach my daughters a few things for their projects-to-come.

Comment Re:Netcraft confirms it (Score 1) 409

Bob Ezrin is to be tributed for making "The Wall" a concept album.
Originally "The Wall" was the alienation Waters felt toward the audience during shows.
My sister and I always felt like it being a concept album and all was a far stretch.
We did dig the notion of a wall instilled by fears of the parents during education.
Both of us being rather empathic did not realize people could feel alienated toward other people.

Comment Electrospinning = automatic spider (Score 1) 188

Electrospinning is another way to obtain small fibers (nanometer order).
In our lab experiments are setup around spinning polycaprolactone (proteins (spider silk) are also amides). The choice was made in function of the surface modification possibilities for medical purposes.
Look up electrospinning in wikipedia.
They are very brief on the applications but they got the theory right.
It's a great way of testing basic knowledge of electricity.

Comment Re:Use databases! (Score 1) 235

My wife, who is a research scientist, was specifically hired for writing some sort of scripts to pipeline pilot to organize the data of her company.
The IT department also has no clue what she is up to.
They even managed to hire an "IT specialist" behind her back (she was on birth leave or how do you call that in the US?).
After three months of the new guy on the job her boss called her to ask how much time she spent on some specific job.
They threw the guy out after that phone call - "One day." "Don't be so modest, you can honestly tell us how long you spend on that job." "OK, so in fact not even a whole day..."

All the data I create with our TOF-SIMS is pinned on the wall - a mass spectrum with some information printed on it.
My boss thinks it is a great way of archiving.

Comment Phew, in 1830 we did better... (Score 1) 174

... in Belgium: a completely artificial country was synthesized by joining the Southern Netherlands and a Northern piece of what was once France.
A latin world and a germanic world joined without LHC.
Only kept together by utter latin arrogance: " La Belgique sera latine où elle ne sera pas." (dixit Cardinal Mercier).

Comment Re:I've got the cure (Score 1) 456

This is teenage or unexperienced male talk.
Either circumcised or not, a condom will not lower your pleasure. In fact even the male will experience more pleasure because of postponed ejaculation.
If you can't take the time to put on a condom you are again unexperienced.
And condoms are not the all protective measure because they can tear, even when properly put on.

Comment Re:Too much time on their hands (Score 1) 502

Originally "the wall" was the feeling that Waters had when performing live. Waters tried to explain it like him playing music and having no connection whatsoever with the public. Afterwards some producer came up with the story of a boy having lost his father in WWII, raised by an overprotective mother. School is depicted through some sorry teacher that is trying to bash the kid's feelings. This gives a mix that the kid starts to build a wall around him so as not to get hurt. Which in later life appears not have been such a good idea... Concept albums are sometimes a far stretch.

Comment Re:Done (Score 1) 409

Prof. Boogaerts set up the initiative of an umbellical chord bloodbank in Belgium. A bloodbank means you donate blood to help others. This in the same time means it is constantly tested. Two times per months the blood helps someone worldwide. HLA has to match very well in stem cell transplantations. Genes coding for HLA are at the same time the most mutating. A good match is hard. Quality control on these complex procedures is even harder.

Comment Re:common place (Score 1) 607

huh? I already wrote my modules for hart protocol, modbus, ei bisynch (old) and some in-house protocol. Thank you very much. And the other story about E&I diagram documentation goes like this: I once started at a university where everybody was making rather complex and dangerous gas reactors by designing them in powerpoint. There the lesson was learned that chemists and bio-engineers have their merits. But process engineering is not one of them. We even had a lab completely trashed due to an explosion. No casualties, but that was more out of luck than wisdom. And yes, they honestly advised me powerpoint to document my E&I diagrams. Buying a dedicated program was too expensive. And the surfing on slashdot is in fact outside my working hours.

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