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Comment Re:So close, so far (Score 1) 561

Can you point out some of the special treatment that feminists are asking for, with a citation of them asking for it? I think you are making this shit up because every mainstream feminist I have read or listened to is just interested in equality.

Oh, you've missed the calls to fix the income inequality gap by just taxing men an extra 25% and giving it to women? You've missed the continuous refrain of every SJW ever that what offends women is all-important, but what offends just men is irrelevant? You've missed the suggestion that the best plan is to just kill 95% of men and jail the rest on an island somewhere so they can't cause any harm to real people? I see that kind of shit all the time.

But this says it all, really. (That's Jessica Valenti, of course, but the attitude expressed is common enough.)

Quality of opportunity is exactly what we all want. Try to help more women into IT not by favouring them, but by simply removing barriers to them even applying and letting the best candidate win.

Any evidence that there's actually a problem once women graduate? (Women being dissuaded from technical interests in middle and high school is a real and studied problem, of course.) All the companies I've worked for actually did favor women in the recruiting (but not interview) process. I've done plenty of "new college grad" interview days that the field of candidates that were flown in were 40-50% female, which sure as heck isn't the ratio of grads. We interview everyone the same of course, but every place I've been for the past decade has made a special effort to try to recruit women at the start of the process.

The only people who are offended are the ones being called out for defending the indefensible

Sure, by your definition accusations by a feminist have no possible defense, I guess? OTOH, painting the vast and diverse world of "gamers" with a stereotype that's only relevant to the few games that are predominately teenage boys is bigoted and unfair. (If your argument is "14-year-olds are rude and should behave better", you're preaching to the quire, also they should get off my lawn!)

attacks on anyone are not acceptable

... they say, and then go on to vigorously attack "gamers", starting a culture war that won't soon end.

Comment Re:Correct, although you are missing the obvious (Score 1) 98

Students give the University hush money, gets a slap on the hand "oh noez, no free wireless for up to a few months" and the University profits. Copyright holders are not seeing a penny of this money, Law enforcement is not prosecuting people for theft.

In what way is downloading copyrighted material any kind of crime? Is it even a tort?

Should the University fine rapists for profit and not turn them over to Law enforcement as well? Oh wait, this already happens in the US (if people are charged at all)

What are you on about? The standard for accusation at a US university is vastly below any judicial standard for rape. At some places, the accused isn't even given a chance to defend himself.

"Harvard's policy was written by people who think sexual assault is so heinous a crime that even innocence is not a defense." -- Alan Dershowitz

Comment Re:So close, so far (Score 3, Informative) 561

No-one is asking for special treatment

Every third-wave feminist is, along with most SJWs.

which by practically every metric shows that women are at a disadvantage in society

They have every advantage in family law. There are colleges where men are just assumed guilty of any charge of sexual assault, and cannot even question their accusers in the adjudication process. There's no wage gap for those under about 35 if you adjust for hours worked. Sure, there are certainly still areas like "competitive power lifting" where women are at a disadvantage, but so what?

We (feminists) want everyone to be equal,

Clearly you don't. You say this a lot, some of you (others wear shirts saying "I bathe in male tears"), but then go on to claim that women need special treatment in one way or another.

Equality in society means equality of opportunity: the same rules apply to all, the same social services are available to all, blind to sex and race. It does not mean equality of outcome. Different individuals make different choices, and have different skills and abilities, and the very nature of liberty is that your success in life is influenced by all of that.

Everyone has the right to walk their own path to happiness. You don't get to define "success" for another, you can only measure it against what people chose to pursue in life. You also can't guarantee that people will succeed even there: some people pick a stupid path to their goal.

Even if "the woman" said gamers were werewolf pedophiles from Mars, the backlash from the community demonstrated that what she said was true

Ah, so it's the victim's fault then? 8 Gaming sites/magazines simultaneously published articles attacking "gamers", which is to say, their readers. It's not a leap to deduce that something is rotten in the state of gaming journalism.

The core issue here seems to actually be semantics, oddly enough. People have legitimate complaints about the culture of the tiny corner of gaming that includes CoD and similar games, and call those people "gamers". But anyone who plays Candycrush or WoW or that PvZ shooter or whatever 20+ hours a week is every bit as much a "hardcore gamer", and the overall population was incensed by the offensive stereotyping. Funny how that works.


Interviews: Ask Adora Svitak About Education and Women In STEM and Politics 155

samzenpus writes Adora Svitak is a child prodigy, author and activist. She taught her first class on writing at a local elementary school when she was 7, the same year her book, Flying Fingers was published. In 2010, Adora spoke at a TED Conference. Her speech, "What Adults Can Learn from Kids", has been viewed over 3.7 million times and has been translated into over 40 different languages. She is an advocate for literacy, youth empowerment, and for the inclusion of more women and girls in STEM and politics. 17 this year, she served as a Youth Advisor to the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, DC. and is a freshman at UC Berkeley. Adora has agreed to take some time from her books and answer any questions you may have. As usual, ask as many as you'd like, but please, one per post.

As Amazon Grows In Seattle, Pay Equity For Women Declines 496

reifman writes Amazon's hiring so quickly in Seattle that it's on pace to employ 45,000 people or seven percent of the city. But, 75% of these hires are male. While Seattle women earned 86 cents per dollar earned by men in 2012, today, they make only 78 cents per dollar. In "Amageddon: Seattle's Increasingly Obvious Future", I review these and other surprising facts about Amazon's growing impact on the city: we're the fastest growing — now larger than Boston, we have the fastest rising rents, the fourth worst traffic, we're only twelfth in public transit, we're the fifth whitest and getting whiter, we're experiencing record levels of property crime and the amount of office space under construction has nearly doubled to 3.2 million square feet in the past year.

Comment Re:Yawn ... (Score 1) 167

If these are on 24x7 you're going to be paying through the nose

Check out he prices for EC2 reserved instances, if you know you'll need that server for 3 years. Prices are similar per core to buying entry-level Dell rackmount servers with 3-year support contracts. Of course, the physical Dell has more memory and disk than the VM with the same core count, so you come out ahead there if you needs lots of memory, or local disk, but not by a lot.

Comment Re: Better go kick WSUS into a sync... (Score 1) 178

I help develop and operate a service that makes a hefty sum by doing all those things you deride, implementation-wise. It all works quite well - well enough that if routing patching causes any customer-visible disruption, you're in for extensive analysis, paperwork, and perhaps ritual abasement before an angry VP.

Yes, yes, there are many technical problems involved with consuming "eventual consistency". In the 20th century these problems were seen as blocking, and anyway just buy a bigger DB server. But the 20th century was along time ago, and while there's still a need for a transactional store, most problems can be solved without one, given sufficient thought - and at sufficient scale, it's really worth figuring out how.

Not that safe patching is incompatible with SQL, of course. In my last job we routinely pushed patches to farms of many thousands of SQL servers, and again if there was any disruption visible to the mid-tier, important people would become seriously angry about that, and we didn't use fancy servers, beyond RAID controllers (and even that concession I abhorred). It's always safe for a single server to fail, or be rebooted for maintenance, and if two servers holding your primary copies of the same data should fail, you better have taken serious, well-reviewed steps in planning to limit the number of DBs affected and the minutes of data lost and the minutes until you're back up.

And even that, which was a nice system, feels outdated now that Amazon went and announced this, which productizes the modern SQL DB and wraps it up in a pretty bow. /jealous

Comment Re: Better go kick WSUS into a sync... (Score 1) 178

About 40% of my servers would have serious issues with that. From SAP systems to certain SQL jobs. That would be a resume writing event.

SAP? SQL? Party like it's 1999! For me, having it matter whether any given server suddenly fails would be a career limiting move. We push-restart patches to services every week or two, and if that affects a customer in any way TSHTF.

Comment Re:10x Productivity (Score 1) 215

1) Why are you wrangling with project management systems? The amount of time you spend with that should be minimal, otherwise it's hurting you. Are you trying to update all the features to the next sprint or something? That's a waste of time, don't do it.

Large companies often require multiple levels of approvals, often from teams in multiple time zones, before you can even get on with the business of coding. A couple years back I had a project where getting the approval took 6 weeks, and the code took one day (yes, I left that company not long after).

2) If you need to 'translate user requirements from PMs' on a regular basis, it sounds like you are micro-managing a part of the process. If that's the case, then you can gain efficiencies by teaching your developers to do that. Push as many responsibilities down to the developers as you can, and watch how much more focused, effective, and efficient they become

Indeed. But junior developers, almost by definition, aren't good at this. Most large software actually corps have this firmly in their interview process: give the candidate ambiguous requirements, and see whether he asks clarifying questions or just jumps in and codes some arbitrary take on the problem. It's a good way to assess the senior-ness of a candidate.

Practically, "how big of a design/project can you own" is the best measure of a developer. A senior dev drags projects across the finish line despite all the obstacles created by the company being stupid. A junior dev can follow clear requirements, but gets stuck and needs help at every ambiguity (or worse, doesn't get stuck and just solves some arbitrary problem).

And I'm certainly not a manager. Tried that once - my ability to anticipate people problems before they happened were sorely lacking. But managers should be focused on the people first, and the technology only enough to tell when a developer is BSing (or just wrong) about the difficulty of some task. Making decisions about how to staff competing projects so that the best work gets done, morale stays high, and devs grow their skill set - that's hard work. Preventing personality clashes, recruiting, firing people who aren't making the cut, that's all hard work. That why there are senior devs - to provide technical leadership so that the managers can get on with the people leadership.

Comment Re:10x Productivity (Score 1) 215

Yup, very strong programmers certainly exist, but "10x" the code is not the reason they're strong. It's a pet peeve of mine, because writing that code generator instead of the 10x model classes looks like you're doing less work, to naive managers.

Comment Re:10x Productivity (Score 1) 215

I don't see how you can scale well if you're not efficient in the first place.

I know you were talking about people, but that line made me laugh - imagine saying that about code in this century.

Your argument seems to imply that you believe being a rockstar programmer and a great leader are mutually exclusive,

Nope, I'm just saying that banging out lots of code is really important for your first promotion, after that it's still good, but becomes less important as you advance. "10x" is just a silly name for a talent agency.

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