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Comment Re:I can't claim credit ... (Score 1) 27

Odd, I hadn't had mod points for years and when I stopped posting so much, all of a sudden I'm getting fifteen points every few days.

I have to agree with d_r, whoever is doing it is laughable.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Three Irons Burning: Progress Report 2

When I was in college, I often took workshops in the summer. Two weeks of eight hour days equaled a normal class for a quarter. It would allow me a couple months vacation.

One was a blacksmithing workshop, where I learned to fashion stuff out of steel, learned a little metallurgy, and learned where a lot of the "old sayings" came from: blacksmithing. One is "too many irons in the fire", which is where this journal's title comes from. I'm working on three books right now.

Comment Re:What's the purpose of all those bodyguards then (Score 1) 589

Last time someone made fun of North Korea and its leaders exactly nothing happened.
Same with demonizing them as "invadorz" instead of Chinese.
Or that time James Bond fought a North Korean villain who made himself into a rich and powerful white man.

In fact... Last time anyone actually went out and committed a terrorist attack killing a bunch of people in a a theater - it was a crazy, white, male, American. With store and online bought guns.
And the movie was kept in theaters despite the bodycount.

Cause it was a final sequel of a very successful franchise whose last movie made over a billion dollars.

In other words...
Corporations have brass balls when gold is on the line.

And again... If they can't really cover a mere 18000 targets...
What good are they? Along with all the other "terrorist fighting" measures?
Trillions of dollars and unquantifiable liberties went up in smoke - and 18000 theaters turns out to be "too much"?

Maybe they should think outside the box on this one? Or more like inside a different kind of a box.
Maybe what's needed is a better kind of a theater? A safe and secure kind, where nothing bad can happen.
We can call it Security Theater.

Comment No year. (Score 2) 114

They modeled the thing for ALL of the open sea being turned into bubbles.
It's not happening.

Geo-engineering is not the magic bullet.
Nor do we have it, the gun to fire it from, the target to shoot it at and on top of it all we don't know how to shoot the said gun nor on which side of the gun do bullets go in and on which side of it do they come out.

Comment ALL OF IT... (Score 2) 114

Simulations of solar geoengineering
Increasing the reflectivity of crops
All grassland was made as reflective as possible in the model

Increasing the reflectivity of deserts
The model was altered to act as if all deserts were covered
in highly reflective material

Increasing the reflectivity of the seas
The model was altered to act as if all open sea was covered in micro-bubbles

Increasing the reflectivity of marine clouds
Potentially cloud-altering particles were released over all tropical seas in the model

Forming particles in the stratosphere
Particles were formed in the stratosphere at the equator in the model

Nothing to see here. Move along.
Dropping a giant ice cube into the ocean is still more feasible.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

Your experience was much different than mine. I was in college when Carter was President, and he stopped food stamp benefits for poor college kids. I often went hungry. I'd voted for him, voted against his reelection.

Under Reagan I worked for Disney. Reagan slashed the capital gains tax, which unleashed an orgy of hostile corporate takeovers, one of which was unleashed on my employer, who took a big financial hit from its defense and cut everyone's hours. I had trouble paying my bills for a while. There were hundreds, perhaps thousands, of these hostile takeovers and takeover attempts. Of course, a recession followed this but none of the pundits connected the dots and they treated Reagan like a demigod.

We moved back to Illinois when Leila was born, and it took well over a year to find a job. Thanks for the recession, Ronnie.

I got a job finally, in 1987, but half the people I knew were looking for work until the nineties. That was Reagan's fault, but Bush did nothing to alleviate the situation.

There was something about Clinton I just didn't like; he came across as a sleaze and I think I voted Libertarian that election, I don't really remember, but it wasn't a vote for Clinton.

I was wrong about him; he put 100,000 new cops on the street, and my crime-ridden neighborhood got a neighborhood cop and crime plummeted. He signed PWORA which ended generational welfare. I voted for his reelection.

As to Bush II, can you name a single positive thing he accomplished? I can't.

As to Obama, my opinion of his mediocre President went up a little when he started opening Cuba; it's long overdue. We've had relations with China and Russia for years, it should have happened when the Berlin Wall came down and the USSR split up.

Comment Re:$25 Million? (Score 1) 56

"We have absolutely no idea how accurate that figure is."

Haha, kind of like how NASA threw out that "$500 Million" per launch number for SLS. I think even the best case scenarios put the program cost at over $40 Billion just to get the first 4 or so vehicles off the ground.

And considering that they only have 25 SSMEs, the SLS won't see much more than those 4 flights anyway.

Comment Re:Gawd, I love that man (Score 1) 95

I usually vote Greenie or Libbie unless one of the two majors is particularly offensive or I think the incumbent has done a good job (voted against Clinton his first administration, but voted for his reelection).

Comment My pet peeve about modern software (Score 1) 2

Today's programmers suck. Why in the HELL should holding a mouse over a control for a few seconds activate it? The mouse shouldn't do anything but move the pointer unless I click. And when I click the "file" menu, that's the menu I want. Why does the "edit" menu open if the pointer strays off of "file" after I click "file"?

Is it stupidity of maliciousness? Are today's programmers just trying to piss us off or are they all idiots?

Comment What's the purpose of all those bodyguards then? (Score 4, Insightful) 589

You know... Police, Army, Navy, Air Force, NSA, CIA, FBI, NRA, bronies...
If they can't secure a fuckin mall for an afternoon... What are you paying them for?

Also, WHAT "rational cautions and plausible evidence"?
All the public got so far was some overdue candid insight into scheming of a mega-corporation and what it REALLY thinks about people it uses, hires and its customers.

If that's terrorism, seems to me there's a great demand for more of it.

Comment Because he doesn't think that to be suffering... (Score 1) 448

He sees Asians doing "so well" and concludes that it must be some unfair racial advantage that is starting to backfire on them - so it is perfectly acceptable if they get deducted points for identifying as "Asian".
See... It's one of those "positive racial things"... Like all blacks having big cocks, all Asian women being sexy... Or was that Latinas? Indian women? Swedish? I get confused about that topic...

Anyway... It's not suffering but a GIFT OF NATURE.
Or Santa or whatever...

His cognitive dissonance is so deep in, he doesn't even realize that he's using an example of discrimination based on racial prejudice - as an example of how "well" a certain minority is doing.
"They are doing so well by simply being Asian, that schools are forced to discriminate against them."

See, if you're lucky enough to be born Asian - you're automagically gonna do SO WELL in school some handicaps will simply be fair, to make you more like everyone else.
I have this nagging feeling that he's also a fan of Harrison Bergeron, and that the irony of acceptable handicaps for perceived and prejudiced advantages is lost on him.

Cause apparently in his mind, it is "the system", not the people who make it, that is racist.
And there are "real racism" and "imaginary racism" and "pretend anti-racism" in that "system".
It's you know... like a plan. There are these rules about what is real, imaginary and pretend.
Secret rules of the "system". Which pretends about using one set of rules, but is actually using another.
A conspiracy, if you will.

But you gotta love that cognitive dissonance of his.

They do not, however, show any of the symptoms, for which the imaginary racism is usually blamed when failures of Blacks are discussed: they are not incarcerated disproportionally more often than others (heck, you can't even find them on the chart!) and their incomes aren't lower than those of Whites â" quite the opposite, in fact

"incarcerated disproportionally more often than others" is imaginary racism - because failures of Blacks.

When it's BLACK people who are "incarcerated disproportionally more often than others" - it is imaginary racism, cause Blacks SIMPLY ARE MORE PRONE TO CRIME.
It's their failure as a race.

And can't you see that it's actually the whites who are discriminated?
Just look at that median household income sorted by race - where "White Hispanics" are a part of white Americans group, and "Asians" are generalizing "Chinese", "Filipino", "Indian", "Vietnamese", "Korean", "Japanese" and "other Asians" into one group.

So, whites become poor cause Mexicans and Puerto Ricans and Cubans etc. (all well below the "white" median) are bunched together with Russians and Brits, while Asians become all rich due to immigrants in the tech industry and A MUCH SMALLER SAMPLE.

White Americans are 77.7% of population.
Asians are about 5%.
While "African Americans" are some arbitrary subset of Black Americans (12.6%) who identify themselves as such and not actually by the particular country or region of origin - like the way others do.

The bigger the sample the closer the median is to THE AVERAGE.
Whites are getting averaged out with Puerto Ricans and Iraqis, while Asians are showing a median between Indians on the top of the list (just above South Africans) and Bhutanese at the very bottom.
Meanwhile, "African Americans" don't get to be counted with Algerians, South Africans, Egyptians, Sierra Leonean Americans... who are ALL ABOVE "African Americans" on the list.

So, surprise-surprise, a sample ("whites") much closer to the size of the population ends up having a median ($ 54,857) very close to the median of the population ($ 51,914).
While small samples deviate significantly - Asians to the right of the population median ($68,088) due to high wages of Indians in IT, and "African Americans" end up deviating to the left of the curve ($ 35,341).

Note how the same thing happens to "Pacific Islands Americans" ($ 58,859) - 0.5% of population, most of whom are from Hawaii.
Where median household income is $63,746.

But have no fear...
He'll soon dig up another source to "prove" how racism is just an imaginary ploy by feminazis and liberal Hitler-commies or something to rob the proud white man of his testicles and fruits thereof.
I wonder when he'll mention Jews and reptilians being in on it?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Interface

I plan on trying the suggested browsers, but thought I'd revisit Opera first. It dawned on me that changing browsers is going to be a big PIA, since Firefox holds a bunch of passwords.

It's been at least a decade since I've tried Opera; it was brand new when I last tried it. So I installed the latest one. The result was...

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