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Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

Well, they just announced the new battery, they're not actually selling it just yet, but anyway, even if they're just below the record, with an ordinary production car that anyone with enough money can buy, I would expect a university team with a specially built car driving at constant speed to do way, way better.

Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

That's weird, they keep stating that figure just about everywhere (including at the top of the page, and in the FAQ lower on the page, so I'm not sure whether they are using false advertising or they simply forgot to update that line about "we will soon". It's the figure I was given on my test drive as well. I'll try to find out for sure.

Comment Re:That's great, but ... (Score 1) 120

Even better, Tesla has announced a new battery to retrofit into their old roadster model, which will bring its range up to 640 km (400 miles) EPA rated range. Maybe that's at a lower speed, I'm not sure how EPA rated range is calculated, but certainly close enough to make this new record by a university team rather unimpressive. My first reaction to the summary was "isn't their a zero missing somewhere?".

Comment Re:nice job (Score 1) 102

This "intelligent avatar" thing, however, is probably going to be the worst of both worlds: the slowness of human interaction (waiting for an artificially generated face to actually speak out the words instead of just skimming the text on the screen in a fraction of the time) combined with a complete lack of common sense. And of course the avatar is going to speak as slowly as possible to make sure even the most retarded passenger can understand it, etc...

I really hope they'll at least include a start screen with two options: text based or avatar. But more than likely, they'll be so proud of their incredible technological achievement that you'll have no such choice.

Comment Re:So (Score 1) 59

Yes, it has a "key fob" to allow anyone to steal your car as long as you are in range with the fob when they drive off (for example if you are standing next to the car). When they get out of range, the car will complain about the missing fob but will still continue to drive until you turn it off (or run out of battery). But you can use the remote control on your phone to honk the horn, lower the windows etcetera while they are driving, hopefully attracting attention to them.

(Note: this is how it worked a while ago, they might have issued an update to fix that particular issue)

Comment Re:So (Score 1) 59

They can't even steal it because they have access to the doors and sunroof and despite being able to enter it they can't use the ignition. Unless they can also change the PIN all they can do is to annoy people.

I'm certainly relieved that they couldn't use the ignition: imagine the mayhem the hackers could cause if they figured out how to ignite those batteries!

Comment Re:Climate Change on Slashdot? Bring on the fun! (Score 1) 389

Are there really more methane-producing animals than there would be if there were no humans? Cows, buffaloes, deer, any other farting animals? I might be wrong, but it seems implausible that we would be responsible for the fact that there are now too many animals on the planet, quite the contrary. I do believe that we are responsible for the disappearance of vast amounts of forest that used to turn all these farts back into oxygen.

Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

In European cities, the beeper may well be 5 meters (sorry, 15 feet) from your bedroom window. So yes, you WILL hear it even while fucking. Of course it's not going to be a problem on American mega-intersections with parking lots on all sides and the nearest home miles away, but some Canadian cities are (fortunately) more like European ones.

Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

1. Increase of cost. Adding a pole for the near side would add cost.

Then add it to the far pole of the other side. Duh!

2. Looking down at the timer when you should probably just be looking at traffic. Alternatively, having the timer on the post with the "walk/don't walk" sign at least has you focusing near your path of travel.

Who says you have to look down? Just install it at more or less eye height so you can see it before you start to cross. Then, while crossing, you look at traffic instead of at the digits on the other side.

Comment Re:Not for deaf/hard of hearing... (Score 1) 579

And it annoys the hell out of normal hearing people, especially those living close to an intersection. Please, there's enough noise as it is.

How about a very small timer that can be read by people standing next to it, waiting to cross? There's absolutely no need for it to be readable from across the street.

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