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Comment Re:Chicken/Egg (Score 1) 194

It's not so easy to just convert some old tanks to storing hydrogen. Hydrogen is highly corrosive and eats through many metals. Leaks are extremely dangerous as hydrogen needs very little to explode, contrary to petrol which isn't nearly as flammable.

Also, I don't understand your argument about not needing many refeuling stations with a 300 mile range. Most petrol or diesel cars have a better range than that, mine easily does more than 600, yet look how many gas stations there are. Electric vehicles need less recharging stations because most people can recharge at home. Recharging hydrogen at home would be a bad idea: the smallest, odorless leak can blow up whole houses. If you start equipping millions of homes with hydrogen filling stations, you'll have explosions pretty much every day. And anyway, making hydrogen with electricity is extremely inefficient, about a third as efficient as charging a lithium battery. Almost all commercial hydrogen comes from fossil fuel sources (mostly natural gas).

Comment Re:How about "not diamond"? (Score 1) 79

That would have made a much better headline!

I can only imagine the thought that went into the "diamond" headline. "Hmmm, our readers are never going to understand this, let's see if we can dumb it down. Hmmm... we'll definitely keep "nano". Carbon is not sexy enough, can we compare it to something else made of carbon?... Diamond! What about diamond nanothreads? Perfect!

Meanwhile the researchers can't believe what they're reading.

I was already wondering what had happened to all the hydrogens in C6H6. Now I know.

Comment Re:How about... (Score 2) 349

Actually, the question was "suspected ebola carriers in the US..." so I answered "should be locked in regular hospitals" which seems rather obvious to me.

But of course someone who worked with Ebola patients and is showing no symptoms, is not a "suspected ebola carrier". I think they'll have enough common sense to stay away from others if they start feeling at all ill, so no other measures should be necessary. But once again, that was not the question.

Comment Re:Fine, if (Score 1) 286

Fat chance, instead of more legroom they'll just put in more seats.

And you can bet they'll replace the camera feed with commercials once you're at cruising altitude. Even worse, companies like Ryanair will remove the cameras altogether and just display ads continuously.

Of course nobody will want that. But hey, the ticket is 10 euros cheaper, stampede!

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