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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 487

MAC address filtering is common on wired networks, on wireless you generally trust the client to look after their credentials that way you don't have to worry about maintaining a potentially huge list of every user's devices. I don't know if this would share radius credentials, if it does someone should be looking at the sack in Microsoft.

Comment Re:GMOs have so many different problems (Score 1) 188

Aren't we discussing GM foods- isn't that almost literally eating knowledge? I highly dispute your "most of it wasn't" as well. The whole "must make money" thing is a fairly recent and broadly unwelcome addition to science. The recent situation with drugs companies arguing it's not worth their while trying to cure diseases while investigating anything that can be sold to rich old white men is one of the more insidious results.

Comment Re:GMOs have so many different problems (Score 3, Insightful) 188

Some of the greatest research ever done was done in Universities with grant money with no thought of any commercial applications. The problem with current research is the assumption that it must produce a monetary reward. Obviously commercialisation and testing is a different issue, that is where capital becomes relevant. Knowledge should be it's own reward.

Comment Re:Unacceptable... (Score 1) 333

$300,000 is clearly excessive and is only the case in a tiny percentage of places where the market for licenses will support that price. It's a classic case of supply and demand. You might as well complain about the high prices in the areas that probably overlap quite significantly with the taxi medallion cost areas.

Comment Re:Prime Scalia - "Words no longer having meaning" (Score 1) 591

I disagree with your reasoning about the flag not being racist entirely, though I have to admit I do feel the whole thing is a "false flag operation" (if you'll excuse the pun) to an extent, it's main objective being of course to move public opinion away from thoughts of the much needed gun control that they should be considering. I expect from your general demeanour that if you look on it this way it will probably make you happy.

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