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Comment Re:If he sold phyiscal copies (Score 1) 465

buying a DVD for between 20 - 40 Euros is a huge rip-off.

Not necessarily. I understand theater tickets might cover most of the costs, but a lot of movies cost $100 - $150 million to produce (sorry for USD numbers). To recoup that and then be rewarded for taking such a financial risk is not such a bad thing. Especially since you also have to cover the cost of all the flops that had to be made along the way.

Comment Re:Windows 8 app store? (Score 2) 188

There isn't much in the way of video production / compositing /3D modeling software for Android, now is there?

Let's also remember that the average consumer throttles their smartphone/PC/laptop about 1% of the time.

And Apple's model works for the "average consumer." How about people who are producing content rather than consuming it? Right now, they use desktop PC's and software that will never been in the MS walled garden.

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