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Comment Re:bye (Score 2) 531

The memory is there to be used - you're entirely correct. I cannot fault you for that. But, when the system has 4 gig of memory, and Firefox is using 60% of that memory - IT IS SIMPLY TO MUCH!

I recently installed Pale Moon. I've not yet seen Pale Moon using 25% of system memory. I have a lot of tabs open right now, and Palemoon is using 17% of system memory. Enlightenment and Palemoon are constantly swapping places for top memory usage position in htop. The only other process that competes, is lightdm . This means that I can fire up a lot more applications, or I can actually do some compiling while the browser runs.

Yeah, I have memory, but it's MINE to decide how to use, not Mozilla's.

And, yes, this IS part of the reason I switched to Pale Moon. The subject of TFS and TFA are another reason. And - I'm also an adventurous type. I'll run any browser that comes along - if it behaves as I wish it to.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

You mean from cross site scripting? Yeah - I do have an idea. And, I block it unless I actually decide that I want to see what is on those other sites.

But, even with most cross site scripting, the total content of the page is often only a fraction of the advertising content, in terms of bandwidth.

You try it. Wander the web for some hours, or a day, or a week, and keep track of your bandwidth usage. Then install something like uBlock, and wander the web. You bandwidth usage will drop significantly. At the same time, if you kept track of your CPU and memory usage, those will drop as well, although less significantly.

Advertisers put your equipment as well as your bandwidth usage to full use, and all for something that I have no desire to see.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

I call bullshit. The people who represent your point of view are busy bribing legally elected representatives in Washington, rather than allowing the free market to settle the issue.

If every third advertising agency in America were to go bankrupt tonight, society wouldn't collapse. If along with those agencies, 1/2 of all the corporations doing the collection and correlation of data also collapsed, society wouldn't collapse. If, as a result of all those bankruptcies, advertising dropped off by 95%, society wouldn't collapse.

If the working class notified congress that they would no longer tolerate the shit forced on them by advertisers, and congress passed meaningful laws restricting what advertisers can do, society wouldn't collapse either. In fact, society would be much better off.

And, if you personally are put out of a job because of it, well, tough shit. You can go compete with all the Mexicans for a job digging ditches, or picking avacados.

Comment Re:What if I want the ad fueled web to die? (Score 1) 618

Well - open mouth, insert foot. How does it taste?

I've been working for a living for more than forty years now. Real work, too, not sitting on my ass, playing mind games, and expecting working people to support me. I don't do a day's work, or a week's work, or even a year's worth of work, then collect wages for the rest of my life.

As I said earlier, you are the one with the entitlement issues.

"playing the roll" as you put it. On the one hand, you seem to suggest that anyone can do it, if they just spend the time - on the other hand, you seem to think that it's a major industry, deserving of high wages. You're confusing me, which is it?

Are you an advertiser, or do you work for advertising, or are you a web designer, an IT guy, or what? What is your stake in this issue?

I'll tell you flat out, I have nothing but contempt for the advertising industry as a whole, with even greater contempt for those portions of the industry responsible for all this invasive advertising.

Advertising presumes to have some kind of ownership over the web, and it presumes to have some authority over how the web should be regulated. Presumptuous cocksuckers are deserving of no respect whatsoever.

Always remember - business - ALL BUSINESSES - exist on sufference. The public tolerates a busienss so long as that business benefits the public more than it pisses the public off. When you overstep your bounds, you WILL be put out of business.

IMHO, you have overstepped your bounds. Keep watching, and wait for it. More and more people are beginning to think like me. The evidence is available in the download counts for all the ad blockers.

Keep running at the mouth - you cannot justify the worthless shit being forced on the people who finance the web - the very customers that the advertisers are milking.

Comment Re:Sooooo...... (Score 5, Informative) 776

Very little CGI was used in Mad Max.

"Over 80% of the effects seen in the film are real practical effects, stunts, make-up and sets. CGI was used sparingly mainly to enhance the Namibian landscape, remove stunt rigging and for Charlize Theron's left hand which in the film is a prosthetic arm."

Comment Re:Ad networks that "hack" are immoral. (Score 1) 618

Funny thing - despite the fact that I don't see a single ad on your website, I'm not "infringing" upon your ability to milk the advertisers of revenue. So, you missed out on .003 cents because I blocked the ads. The millions of sheeples who didn't block your ads still gave you a nice payday, didn't they?

You can call it shoplifting if/when I figure out how to intercept those people clicking your ads. When I actually cash a check paying for those millions of clicks, thereby preventing you from cashing the same check, then you can whine, snivel, and cry about me depriving you of income.

Of course, at that point in time, I will have the cash necessary to retain some shyster lawyer, and you'll be up shit creek without a paddle, LMAO!

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 1) 618

They are "providing" nothing. The money that we, subscribers, pay our ISP's and carriers pays for the internet. The content is provided by - surprise! - the CONTENT provider. Advertisers choose to sponsor the content provider, offering him some meager percentage of the money they expect to earn with their advertisements. If the advertisers weren't sponsoring the content provider, then the content would either go away, or the content provider could ask for donations, or sell subscriptions, or find some other way to finance his content. But, ultimately, advertisers provide NOTHING.

Comment Re:Perverse incentive to use more data (Score 2) 618

Never thought of it in that light. If a person had a genuine interest, he could probably find who sits on what boards, which corporate officers hold positions in seemingly unrelated companies, etc. I've been shown before how some corporations are entwined with each other - like a bunch of snakes copulating. That may well be the case here.

Comment Re:Fuck you. (Score 5, Insightful) 618

Agreed. What is "immoral" is, advertisers expecting to use most of my bandwidth, FOR FREE! Take a typical page full of content, and use some network analyzer while it loads. The actual content might amount to a few hundred k, but the damned advertising can amount to multiple megabytes.

Fuck 'em all. I have limited bandwidth, which I have to pay for, each and every month. Not one of those advertisers is entitled to any of it.

Comment Re:The Death of Punishment (Score 1) 649

"It's amusing to read such utter bullshit generated by a clueless fool like you who has never done time in prison."

No, I've never been to prison. But, I've watched the youngsters grow up, and go off to prison. Some little numbnuts gets in trouble for something extremely petty. He gets some probation, and sent home. He figures he got off lightly, so he continues doing what he got in trouble for, and maybe something a little bigger. He does thirty days in jail, gets more probation, and community service. During his thirty days, he makes some new friends, and those freindships are cemented with meetings at the probation officer's office, and community service time spent together. The knuckleheads dream up bigger schemes to do together, and steadily get into more and more trouble.

FINALLY - these airheads do something serious enough that the judge decides to throw the book at them, and two, three, six of them go off to prison, one after the other, as rapidly as the local court system can run them through.

And - here, they make NEW friends, and dream up new schemes - ad nauseum.

I've watched this shit happening for the past forty years. I've witnessed it. Not up close and personal, like the kids who are part of the system, but from front row seats.

Stupid punkass fool, huh? You figure that men only become men in prison? Really? How would all your prison buddies stack up against me and my buddies? Did any of your prison pals go into Beirut City in 1978? Did any of them ever quell a riot? How about hiking across the desert, just six men and an officer, through No-Man's Land?

"What's No-Man's Land" the boy asks. Well - that is the area BETWEEN two opposing armies. And, me and my pals weren't friendly to EITHER of the opposing armies.


I would define punk-ass as wasting years in prison over genuinely stupid fucking shit. Pot, meth, a few hundred dollars, maybe fighting over some skanky whore, armed robbery - stupid fucking shit. THAT is punk-ass.

I do manage to maintain some minimal respect for some convicts. But, when some dumb fucker pops up and starts putting me down because I never spent time in prison? Insulting me because I "don't understand"?

Fuck you, chump.

Want to know what MEANINGFUL punishment would be?

The first time some dumbass kid gets caught shoplifting, he's strapped to the flogging post in front of the court house, and given five lashes. Publicly. His mama can watch him take his whipping like a man - if he's capable of doing so.

Second offense? Double the punishment, plus a couple weeks community service.

Third, and greater offense? Double that punishment AGAIN. How many hard headed little punks are going to last to commit a fourth offense? He'll remember those last twenty lashes half killed him. He's going to be thinking that he might not live through forty lashes. And, instead of a few weeks of community service, he'll be facing a year on a road gang.

Punishment. Fuck sitting in the corner. No air conditioning. No cots. No television. Harsh fucking reality, sucking the life out of him.

Get serious, and stop whining at me about some missing time out of your life. I GAVE eight years out of my life, so that whining pussies could complain about THEIR years sitting in an air conditioned prison. How many years of your life have you given to your fellow man?

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