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Comment I've got a similar idea in the works... (Score 4, Insightful) 52

It's a receiver to detect the EM signature from the onboard electronics of a Prius.

See, I've heard that it's possible for a Prius driver to run over kids who are playing in the street. So I've designed this receiver that fits into a kiddy backpack, and sounds an alarm when there's a Prius nearby. That way, when my kids are playing in the street and a Prius approaches, they'll hear the alarm. I guess then they can get out of the street, but what I'm really looking for is a way to ban Priuses from driving on my street. After all, I'm a responsible parent who's keenly aware of the dangers Priuses pose to kids who play in the street.

Comment And if you're in the vast FIOS-free zones... (Score 2) 234

...you'll be upgraded to pound sand with both hands.

North Carolina was promised FIOS "real soon now" for years. At this point, it's pretty clear that if you don't already have it, you won't be getting it. Google blimps, drones, and sewer lines will bring us high-speed broadband long before Verizon significantly extends their buildout.

Comment Re:Negative mass is weird (Score 1) 214

Okay, as long as I've got you on the line... :)

What's supposed to happen when negative and positive mass collide?

If I throw a tennis ball at a wall, it bounces off (and the wall recoils imperceptibly). If I throw a negative tennis ball at a wall -- or throw it away, causing it to move toward the wall, whatever -- what happens when it hits? It seems like it would try to "recoil" in the same direction it was traveling, maybe even giving the wall a "tug" instead of a "push" when it hit. But it can't move forward, because presumably negative and positive matter can't simply interpenetrate -- or can they?

Gaah, so many microscopic/macroscopic behavior assumption violations...

Comment Re:Negative mass- not antimatter, but odd (Score 1) 214

Negative mass is very diferent from antimatter. Antimatter is opposite to normal matter in charge and quantum numbers (such as baryon number, etc.), but still has positive mass.

Negative mass reacts oppositely to both gravity and intertia. Oddly, that means that negative mass still falls down in a gravitational field: The gravitational force is opposite, but negative mass responds negatively to force (a=F/m, where both F and m are negative). So negative mass particles repel each other gravitationally, but are attracted to positive mass objects.

Trying my best to ignore my intuition, which is heavily biased toward "all mass is positive":

A negative mass would fall down in a gravitational field (generated by a positive mass) -- it would experience a force directed away from the positive mass, and it would respond to that force by moving toward the positive mass.

However, the negative mass would repel the positive mass gravitationally -- effectively, exert a force directed away from itself -- correct?

It seems to me that if you had two equal but opposite masses in freefall, the negative mass would accelerate toward the positive, the positive would accelerate away from the negative, and the negative mass would chase the positive mass off the edge of the universe at constant acceleration.

It also seems like two negative masses would repel each other (exert a force directed away from each other), but respond to that repulsion by accelerating toward each other.

What am I missing?

Comment Re:Boron? (Score 4, Funny) 39

Step 1: Build buckyball model out of wooden skewers and string.

Step 2: Wrap skewers in raw bacon.

Step 3: Microwave.

Step 4: Post to YouTube.

Step 5: Profit!

(Note to whoever actually tries this: Depending on the scale of your model, some of the bacon loops may resonantly couple with the field in your microwave oven. Don't be surprised at arcs and flames. Please don't skip Step 4.)

Comment Re:Useless coins (Score 2) 753

No, "issued for circulation" means the Mint sends them to the Fed for distribution -- so they can be spent, given out as change, and so forth. The last few years of dollar coins haven't been issued for circulation. Yes, they're still legal tender, but since you have to pay more than face value to get them, it's kind of dumb to spend them.

Kennedy halves haven't been issued for circulation in years, either, but you'll still find recent-date ones in rolls occasionally. People inherit or steal them, don't care about collectable value, and just spend the coins or turn them in at the bank.

State quarters (and now America The Beautiful national park quarters) are issued for circulation -- at least, the ones minted in Philadelphia and Denver.

Comment Re:Useless coins (Score 1) 753

Yeah, I think it's time for a full reset on our cash denominations. Knock out the cent and nickel (each one costs more than its face value to produce). Make dimes and half-dollars of the same general size and shape as today's cent and nickel. Make dollar coins like today's dime, and bring back the "eagles" -- quarter-eagle ($2.50), half-eagle ($5), eagle ($10), and double eagle ($20). Heck, you could even reinstate the half-union and union ($50 and $100), which never made it into circulation during the original 1850's gold rush.

But this will never happen. There's too much inertia around our current system, and by the time inflation trivializes all current denominations, the "cashless society" folks will most likely have won. Maybe the black and grey markets will go over to true hard currency, the silver and gold that's currently the domain of collectors and doomsayers.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 753

The thug prowling around in the woods can take and spend my $20s, and I've got no recourse unless he's caught. If he steals my credit cards, they're only good for him until I phone in the theft, and I'm out zero money in the end. Plus all that terrible OMG-Big-Brother-Ate-My-Privacy tracking can tell the police a good bit about where he's been and what he's been doing.

The Powers That Be have never frozen any of my accounts, but thugs have burglarized my house more than once. I have no desire to see cash go away, but it's disingenuous to claim that it's less risky than e-money.

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