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Comment Re:The police are passing up a gem (Score 1) 545

So it's entrapment by way of having the person initiate contact and make the request to see CP, by third party not affiliated with any police organization?

The article does say the researched never suggested anything, and waited to be asked first.

Also police depts do have cyber crimes divisions like this which do the same deal, but with officers conversing with these people.

Comment Re:What the market will bear. (Score 1) 569

Maybe not entirely...

Networking equipment on the enterprise scale is usually setup to handle users in the thousands; and is fucking expensive. A Cisco or Juniper firewall could run you around $60,000 just for that one device, not to mention all the other devices, laying fiber/copper, etc... Normally those kinds of devices can handle 10k concurrent users, etc... But you have less than 1/3 of what it's scaled for, so each of you have a higher share of the cost.

Other providers probably are not too keen to get into that market due to there already being competition and to succeed they would need to charge at a rate that would not make them attractive unless they could subsidize that loss from other ventures.

Comment Re:Probably Obama. Or the Tea Party. (Score 1) 569

In Texas there is only one set of wires, for utilities, but are sold via brokers and the provider itself cannot sell direct. It's not that we need a second power company but that our current one is regulated while the brokers are more free to compete against each other.

Basically the more volume they have the better rate they can get. So they compete to get customers to get themselves a better deal.


Comment Re:Doesn't seem like the best idea (Score 1) 94

Exactly, new sites, even for popular people can take awhile to get up and running. What's to stop someone from just flooding them in legal issues and cause them to bankrupt?

The Guardian likely has a team of layers on staff to deal with them, but I doubt even Glenn would have the capital to pay for that for possibly months while his user base is built up.

Comment Re:Short answer "NO" (Score 1) 438

There was actually quite a few factual errors with Apollo 13, but most of them were nitpicky, which is the same level of stuff people whine about Gravity. Things include; their breath rising like normal instead of stright forward as happens in zero g, wrong NASA logo at one point, taking suits off before a docking maneuver which would be both not allowed and dumb.

There was also a number of other deliberate mistakes which like Gravity were done in the name of entertainment.

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