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Comment Re:You know what they call alternative medicine... (Score 1) 517

1) A healthy mix of fresh vegetables (a lot), dairy products (some), and proteins (some meat, fish, eggs)
2) It tastes good
3) I really like eating it

The problems with your plan, (For me at least.) I hate vegetables. They taste terrible to me. The very few Veg that I do like are all high starch, potatoes, corn, etc. Also severely lactose intolerant.
Honestly a choice between a salad and going hungry, I am going to have to think about it for a while.
So #1 pretty much eliminates 2 and 3.

So what mostly works for me is lots of meat, eggs, some fish, as much as I can of what veg I do like, and a multivitamin every day. Along with a heck of a lot of walking. (Over 5 miles a day, average.)

According to my doctor, I am disgustingly healthy.

Comment Re:Depends on the dish (Score 1) 285

Protip: Never, ever drink water if you just ate something that was "too spicy". Capsaicin isn't water soluble, so you're just spreading it around with the water, making it burn even worse. Try whole milk or ice cream instead. Much, much better.

But I'm lactose intolerant you insensitive clod.
I just avoid spicy food. :)

Comment Re:You keep using that word (Score 1) 479

Note to the press: "Hackers" doesn't mean what you think is means.

As much as I hate it. I think it is time to surrender the word hacker to the criminals. That is what it means to most of the populus, and changing that many minds is probably impossible. It is time to come up with a new word to describe those of us who like to experiment, and find alternate uses for things.

I throw out experimenter, as one possibility... Discuss.

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