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Comment Re: Shutup about the beta already! (Score 0) 52

/. has had changes in the past. And in the past, people protested and complained. I would think, let them try something new. /. should like updates.

I think differently about this one. /. has changed over the years but it has always been about the comments. Lots of people like to monetize things, hence why Dice now owns /. But in the years I've been on /. it was always about the community. This time it's about the audience.

If comments are destroyed, that will ruin /. The BETA protest will do no more harm than the GNAA, APK or any other troll. It's been a while since there was a good one anyway.

I'm still using Classic as well, but *why* BETA sucks does not bode well for /.

Submission + - AltSlashdot is coming ( 3

Okian Warrior writes: I've registered "". I intend to run a site much like Slashdot used to be — better articles, less decoration and less "in your face" functionality. I'm reviewing and getting comfortable with slashcode right now. I'm looking for volunteers to help with setup and running the site. If the site becomes profitable, I intend to hire from the pool of volunteers. If you've ever wanted to participate in a site like Slashdot, here's your chance! I'm particularly in need of people who can:
  • Set up and manage a high-traffic site (servers, load-balancers, data sites, &c)
  • Edit story submissions
  • HTML, CSS, and script creation/bugfix/repair

Contact me if interested John (at) AltSlashdot (dot) org

Submission + - Why is Slashdot ignoring the advice of so many developer articles. 2

An anonymous reader writes: Over the years, Slashdot has recycled plenty of articles about lousy UX, lousy design, lousy graceful degradation, lousy development practices, lousy community management, even lousy JavaScript implementations creating security problems. Did Slashdot read any of those articles?

Submission + - Slashdot BETA Discussion ( 60

mugnyte writes: With Slashdot's recent restyled "BETA" slowly rolled to most users, there's been a lot of griping about the changes. This is nothing new, as past style changes have had similar effects. However, this pass there are significant usability changes: A narrower read pane, limited moderation filtering, and several color/size/font adjustments. BETA implies not yet complete, so taking that cue — please list your specific, detailed opinoins, one per comment, and let's use the best part of slashdot (the moderation system) to raise the attention to these. Change can be jarring, but let's focus on the true usability differences with the new style.

Submission + - Dice, what are you getting by butchering Slashdot ? 2

Taco Cowboy writes: Before I register my account with /. I frequented it for almost 3 weeks. If I were to register the first time I visited /. my account number would be in the triple digits.

That said, I want to ask Dice why they are so eager to kill off Slashdot.

Is there a secret buyer somewhere waiting to grab this domain, Dice ? Just tell us. There are those amongst us who can afford to pay for the domain. What we want is to have a Slashdot that we know, that we can use, that we can continue to share information with all others.

Please stop all your destructive plans for Slashdot, Dice.

Submission + - What site would you recommend to replace Slashdot? 1

koreanbabykilla writes: Now that it looks like I'm no longer going to be able to use Slashdot due to, I need somewhere to kill a few hours a day at work. Any suggestions?

Submission + - CowboyNeal Locked In Basement For Opposing Slashdot Beta ( 23

Robotron23 writes: Slashdot's finest editor to date has been mercilessly locked in a basement filled with fuzzy dice Dice created to furnish Google's self-driving cars. Screaming, followed by sounds of frenzied masturbation, have been reported from the subterranean dungeon. "There's no way enough ejaculatory fluid is getting sprayed on our dice to make us care about this deluded protestor's opinion." a Dice executive commented earlier. Former Slashdot owner turned professional millionaire Robert Malda, expressed support: "No porn. More dice than a casino. Lame."

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Opinion of slashdot beta? 9

An anonymous reader writes: What are your thoughts about slashdot beta? Post your complaints here so that I don't have to see them elsewhere. Additionally, if the beta is so bad that you don't want to stay, what other news website do you recommend?

Submission + - Slashdot Beta. How to filter ? How to get to my comment? 3

140Mandak262Jamuna writes: 1. In the slashdot beta I don't see the knob that lets you see more stories or less. Did I miss something, and it is under some obscure icon? Or is it gone?

2. When I post a comment, I often go my profile, find my latest comments, expand the threads there to see if there are any follow ups. In beta I am not able to get to my comment. It gives me the whole story. Will there be a link to a specific comment and the local view of that thread alone?

Comment Re:It's incredibly frustrating... (Score 1) 535

Wouldn't it largely be huge corporations benefiting from so-called 'net neutrality'? If it is going to be required that owners of private property charge the same price to all-comers, then it is going to be more difficult for small businesses to compete with large businesses, no? It seems true net neutrality would be allow anyone to compete as they see fit - if a company is going to 'over charge', then another company should be allowed to come in and 'under charge'.

The size of the company would make no difference. Bits should be charged by quantity not content. It really only affects you if you sell content and bandwidth and want to use the bandwidth as a competitive advantage for your content.

Comment Re:slashdot... (Score 1) 347

I hate commercials, I change the channel or pick up my phone when the commercials come on.

I don't care for commercials but I don't get the active hate. Commercials are just basically 30 seconds of entertainment with product placement. Given so many shows and movies have product placement and tie-ins now, almost everything is one big commercial.

Comment Re:lol Bush.Lincoln, Roosevelt. Obama unilaterally (Score 2) 383

One thing is new - presidents in the past have left Congress out of the decision making, but the didn't tend to flatly defy Congress, declaring that they have chosen to ignore the law and write their own.

I don't think ignoring Congress is new. This quote may be apocryphal but Jackson's actions, or lack of, aren't. "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!". An easy recent target is this. Personally, my humble opinion is that the Executive Branch does have the authority to not enforce a law. However, I do not believe the Executive Branch has the authority to enforce a law that doesn't exist. I say this with trepidation but I think the Executive Branch should only act under approval from Congress (and presumably the Supreme Court), but inaction should ultimately be at the discretion of the Executive Branch. It's one thing for the President not to choose to invade Colorado over Federal drug laws and another to invade Colorado and bust up Coors because the Executive Branch decides alcohol should be banned.

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