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Comment Re:40 is an artificial boundary (Score 5, Interesting) 286

My martial arts instructor always said "You don't grow old from the years; you grow old from inactivity".

The sign at the entrance to our city park states, "You don't stop playing because you get old. You get old because you stop playing".

There's a lot of truth to that, I think. I was in fantastic shape until right before I turned 30. I needed a bunch of back surgeries and stopped working out. Then I never felt well enough to start again. Of course the pages kept coming off of the calendar and then I had some other medical issues as time went on. I finally got sick of it back in June of this year and have been pushing hard to get back into shape ever since. I dropped 55 lbs. since June and just did 10K this morning in a little under 50 minutes (best time yet this year), and did another 3.4 miles after that. I'm doubtful I'll ever have the muscle mass I did. Or the speed. But I'm not 30, or even 40 anymore. Regardless, I feel a hell of a lot better than I did a year ago.

Comment Re:Speaking off the record (Score 1) 182

We can't take any US intelligence or claims seriously any more. WMD? Torture? Rendition? Sorry bro, you lied too many times.

Sorry, there were WMD found in Iraq. Nobody wanted to acknowledge it as it was the US and EU that sent them there originally. Regardless, the chemical weapons were there.

I don't condone torture, however most of what I've read in the recently released report barely qualifies. And no one seems to take into account the panic of the times. This feigned outrage by the people in congress over this is appalling. They knew exactly what was going on and approved it at the time. Additionally, most US special forces training programs subject our soldiers to as much or more physical and psychological discomfort than what I've seen described as torture. Yelling and threatening someones family is now considered torture?

Where's your outrage over the treatment of prisoners in Mexican prisons? Caning in Thailand?, Stoning in middle eastern countries? How about the victims of the 9-11 attacks? What about the agony that their family members went through? At that time, two planes had successfully brought down the world trade center towers, one crashed into the pentagon, and another in a field in Pennsylvania. Don't forget the Anthrax letters that were being mailed too. While they weren't related, it was unknown at the time. It seemed like one hell of a coordinated attack against the US. And it was painfully obvious no one was prepared for it.

Extraordinary Rendition required more than just the US.54 countries were involved. Spain, Portugal, Germany, UK, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Island, Finland, Denmark, etc. were among those countries involved.

Sorry bro, we've been lied to by damn near every country's government on the planet at this point.

Comment This is such BS (Score 2) 589

This comes after the group which carried off a massive breach of its networks threatened to carry out "9/11-style attacks"

I can't believe anyone is cowering to these little bastards. Who in their right mind believes any group is going to hijack planes, or even gas trucks and suicide bomb movie theaters? If they would have threatened Batman/Aurora style attacks I would have given them a little more credence. I mean why didn't they just go for broke and threaten Nagasaki style attacks? Or really go all out and threaten Chicxulub or Krakatoa?

So they managed to break Sony's "security" and steal a bunch of data. Wow! From what I've read about Sony and their IT security, this could be a 12 year old girl in Tajikistan who did this for fun. There's been no indication that there is any credible physical threat to anyone. Yet everyone's running around in a panic. What the hell has happened to this country?

Comment Re:Unbelievable! (Score 1) 191

No, they'll just put a wind turbine on top of the oil derrick and proclaim it to be green.

Well you need to lubricant the spinning parts of the wind turbines with something. The last time I checked, tossing ground up PV cells in the gears didn't work very well. This would be a better use for oil, rather than burning it.

Comment Re: Why does this need a sequel? (Score 3, Interesting) 299

Considering Harrison Ford is 30 years older, and will look so as Deckard, it becomes pretty obvious he's not a replicant.Unless you choose to believe the theatrical cut voice over that stated Rachel didn't have the pre-programmed 4 year lifespan. Which would imply Deckard may not have either. But that was removed, and is ambiguous in the Directors Cut and Final Cut. And it was the studio that chose to add the "happy ending" voice over against the wishes of damn near everyone else involved in the project.

From Wikipedia:

Tyrell later tells Roy, a replicant, that the preset life-span is inherently dependent on Nexus-6 biology. Noting that "the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long", Tyrell explains that the reason Nexus-6 replicants do not live longer is not due to some sort of kill switch, but because they physically cannot -the result of the superhuman capabilities engineered into them. Roy suggests several means of extending his lifespan (demonstrating that he possesses at least equal knowledge to that of his creator about his physical construction), but Tyrell reveals that he already tried each of these suggestions, failing in every attempt.

Comment Re:Is SONY breaking the law with this "defense"? (Score 1) 190


Sony execs have been sacking lots of writers/artists/3d anims just to save another $100m, and yet they are still making $600m per $1000m spent on movies. They dont need to make MORE profits.

The execs of sony are greedy scum that want nothing but 100000000% profits, based on zero expenses for zero effort on their behalf.

You've just described every large company on the planet, damn near all publicly traded ones, and almost all of them with fifty or more employees.

While I certainly understand your sentiment, as I try to be a decent person in my dealings with others, the purpose of a company is to make money. That's it. And when a company becomes as large as Sony, or even a hundredth that size, you don't get to run it like a mom and pop company. Cost analysis and quarterly projections make you decisions.

Comment Double edged sword (Score 1) 153

I think this is something that needs to be figured out. There are many people who simply cannot lose weight. The problem is that there are a lot more people who are simply too lazy to even try. I suppose it may end up being a better solution for them too. But damn have we become an impatient, instant gratification society.

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