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Comment Re:What all is included? (Score 2) 723

People who signed up in March won't even get their first bill until the end of April. It's not like employee coverage, where it gets deducted magically out of your paycheck.

Approximately 90% of the folks who signed up by the end of 2013 actually did, in fact, make their first payment on time. The remaining 10% either cancelled policy for some reason before payment (maybe they got a new job?) or just didn't pay (being poor sucks. No tax breaks for them.)

No reason to assume the numbers won't hold for the 2014 people, but it won't be until the summer until we know for sure.

Comment Re:Girls just do not like programming as much as b (Score 1) 673

People like you are the reason I had to whine for years for my parents to get me Micro-Machines as a child. Some girls like to play with cars. Some girls like to rip apart computers or code in C#. But they won't know that unless they're given the opportunity to try it on their own.

Comment Re:Software doesn't wear out. (Score 4, Interesting) 641

The hardware eventually will, though. As long as you've taken reasonable backup precautions you'll be fine, but the average user out there isn't running a good antivirus, let alone a weekly backup of personal files.

I'm not worried about the folks on Slashdot. I'm worried about the Maaco shop up the road, which had an XP computer the last I checked. I'm worried about my husband's aunt and the photos of her grandkids. I'm worried about the ATM in the gas station.

Comment Re:Where do you draw the line? (Score 1) 650

You think about it, but you don't actually do it til it dies. The same can go on for XP. Microsoft isn't saying no one can use XP any more. And you'll still be able to find parts to repair the older PCs for decades, I'm sure. It's just that there always comes a point where the cost of continued repairs is more than the replacement cost. That applies whether it's a computer or a car.

Microsoft did offer an extension of support for commercial hardware running XP, for a price.

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