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Submission + - Ask Slash Dot: Why isn't the Gun Control Lobby using health & safety?

Big Hairy Ian writes: If a gun manufacturers products repeatedly miss fire they will do a product recall because they are afraid of being sued. Why then does the gun control lobby not sue the gun manufacturers and importers (Don’t forget the ammo manufacturers too) for breaching health and safety regulations?
You could sue the pants off them every time some dumb cop shoots a member of the public for breathing.

Comment Re:David Cameron is actually a genuine idiot (Score 1) 260

Funny the people I know in the US usually come off as arrogant jerks. Of course this isn't true really I know a lot of people in the US who are perfectly nice people. But if you're going to take the views of a few people and tarnish us all with them then you individulally are a bigotted twat.


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