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Journal Journal: Anticipating a late night 2

I predict I'll be sleeping quite late tonight, for two reasons:

  • The Democratic Super Primaries are on, my time zone is 12 hours ahead of EST, and the cable guy just tuned the family satellite receiver so I could watch C-SPAN :)

    Snicker away, but with my Internet connection being as it is, only a Zen monk could watch the Real stream.


Journal Journal: AMD is dead, long live AMD 3

How's that for a catchy subject line? It's not that AMD is dead - Opteron/AMD64 is probably its best line of CPU ever. For the first time AMD does a big innovation (x86-64) and executes it well (show up hands if you were excited by pre-release K5 and K6 only to be disappointed when benchmarks came out).

The Media

Journal Journal: Russian election prediction 4

One feels an unshakable sense of déjà vu upon hearing about the recent train bombing near Rostov-on-Don in southern Russia. The more cynical, or paranoid, amongst us might be tempted to point the finger at shadowy security services - we are talking about Russia, after all, with oblique behind-the-scenes machinations. And one certainly cannot doubt that Putin did well out of the 1999 apartment bombings, just as GW Bush gained political capital out of 9/11. I would like to stre


Journal Journal: Theme oddities

I don't run Mandrake, but in the course of browsing VMware newsgroups I come across to this reference:

I get corruption in the guest OS, much like memory errors in a real world.
I'm using Mandrake 9.2 rc2, kernel 2.4.22-10mdk and VMware-workstation
4.0.5 (also used 4.0.0 previously). Filesystems used xfs, but switched to

The guest OS is Redhat 7.3.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Journal schizophrenia

I have not been updating this journal much recently, due to my whole-hearted embrace of RSS-enabled blogging. Apologies all around, but hey, I have friends that want nothing to do with Slashdot too, and submitting a journal entry twice is a hassle.

Slashdot-type material will keep getting posted here though.


Journal Journal: HOWTO: Share iTunes on the *same* PC 6

Some people want to know if they could share their iTunes folder between multiple users on the same PC. It is quite simple if one is used to Unix and using soft links, but for non-Unix types out there, here it is...

Note that the source and destination folders need to be on NTFS volumes. Some XP OEMs bizarrely ship their PCs with FAT32 volumes; convert is your friend.

The Internet

Journal Journal: TinyURL rediscovered 2

Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place. By entering in a URL in the text field below, we will create a tiny URL that will not break in email postings and never expires.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Current goings-on in life 16

Did my GRE General Test last Monday, and was pleasantly surprised to receive a double-800 for Verbal and Quantitative. Currently preparing my applications - writing curriculum vitae certainly does not get much easier, especially not after a hiatus of several years, but what must get done, shall get done.


Journal Journal: Linux-Kernel Mycroft/Sherlock plugin

Courtesy of yours truly, and Adam Roben for his Google Linux plug-in I used as template - the Google Kernel plug-in!

Tracking the Linux-Kernel mailing list from your favourite Mozilla browser (Mozilla and Firebird currently) has never been easier... :p. What did you just say? You use IE? Oh dear...


Journal Journal: Fun science sites

I have been using Stumble Upon, an add-on for Mozilla, Firebird and IE that allows collaborative reviews of websites and preference-based 'stumbling' across reviewed sites, and these are some Physics gems I discovered recently - enjoy :)


Journal Journal: Print media poll: Newspapers 18

Disclaimer: Yes, I know this is Slashdot, and most people here probably read their news online, but indulge me and browse at newsagents or newsmachines - what do you call those boxes full of newspaper standing on pavements?

I was reading a newspaper yesterday when an old thought resurfaced - how newspapers vary in format from country to country. My curiousity picqued, I now wonder if I could persuade enough people to take part in a simple survey.

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Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
