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Comment "fix it yourself" (Score 1) 294

The complaints seem to be about a lot of perfectly fixable usability problems, common to open source development tools, that nobody's bothered, or will ever bother, to address.

I know - we're supposed to hate MS here - but I've never had these problems in projects of any type, large or small, closed or open source, using Visual Studio.

And you get people also complaining that if making programming (actually, using the programming tools) too easy makes bad programmers. Which is total bullshit.

Comment You're suffering from a misconception (Score 1) 466

that you need to know what you're doing.

Demand far outstrips the supply of what you would call a reasonably skilled programmer. Also, unless you get an interview that requires coding (all should, none do) it is practically impossible for an interviewer to tell a good developer from a bad one.

Don't bother learning anything ahead of time... just memorize jargon, and you can land a job where you can screw around for six months before they figure out they made a mistake.

I clean up the messes this creates all the time. Good luck.

Comment Re:Not the way we have carbs now (Score 1) 329

The word here is zero carbs, not low carbs. I'm sure your diet worked great for you.

I can't find a link to the study any more (2008 I think), it was about using a zero-carb diet to increase endurance in Olympic athletes. Results showed that it worked (endurance was increased) in both humans and mice, but it always resulted in brittle diabetes. Discussed at a MITOC lecture.

And wow... I wonder if /. has a way of detecting people who mod comments down and then post trollish replies to them as an AC.

Not you - the other post.

Comment dept head defends her shitty classes (Score 1) 264

I don't care how many humanities courses you take, you're not going to take away anything significant from history or philosophy or ethics or civics or music, when going to MIT. It's just not gonna happen. There isn't time, it's NOT the reason you go there, and has jack shit to do with the value of your degree.

Everyone's already got 800 or close on the verbal portion of their SAT, nobody's going to learn how to be a better writer or communicate more effectively by taking a crappy HASS-D.

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