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Comment Is there anyone left who actually tolerates ads? (Score 2) 14

In the days of broadcast TV you'd get up and go get something to eat.

Nowadays, who in their right mind would sit there at a PC and willingly watch three minutes of ads?

And how deluded do you have to be to purchase those ads? It doesn't make sense on either end.

Comment Re:The universe hates humanity (Score 1) 309

So if a woman is freshly pregnant and doesn't know it yet and consumes a beer, is she engaging in child abuse and administering alcohol to an underage person?

Basically it's the law enforcing Christian norms: sex is only for making babies within a marriage, so she would already know not to drink.

Not a Christian? Too bad.

Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 25

Since this is about Grammarly I give that comment a pass actually. They're suggesting that people really do need grammar lessons.

If I were mean I'd say you can't fix dumb, but we just need to fix our schools.

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