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Comment Re:That's kind of the idea. (Score 2) 409

>I was completely onboard with your comment until this last line. Grouping all law enforcement and then dragging them through the dirt like you did is disgraceful.
>Please kindly fuck right the fuck off, and don't call 911 next time you or your property are in jeopardy...

Except that it's become largely true. You can find many, many examples of it. Most recently, cops firing into a minivan after the officer immediately started escalating a routine traffic stop and made a family fear for its life enough to try and get away from the police. There is no doubt that the woman in the minivan was in the wrong, but the police responded with violence, anger and deadly force on an unarmed woman and her children.

Until this kind of thing is no longer the norm - much less, stops - then a big segment of the public is going to see the police as thugs. And they're right.

Comment Good (Score 1) 295

I wish upon this company all the evils that history can heap on them. They killed innovation in the computer business and it's taken 15 years for them to get to a point where they were mostly as good as what they stifled. Now Windows 8 and Windows XP are their enemies, hung by their own garrotte is suiting.

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