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Comment Re:Makerbot Technology? (Score 1) 23

If I needed one of these for myself, I would sincerely hope that the hospital could afford better than an entry level cranky 3D printer. It only works in this context because they're experimenting and because a scaffolding does not need to be very precise.

In some ways, 3D printing gets used because it's a way to promote 3D printing, even if you could get something cheaper and faster by just having someone carve the same thing out of styrofoam. Makerbot is like Arduino, hyped enough that people think they're intended for more than hobbyists.

Comment Re:I prefer a tablet for some things to a smart ph (Score 1) 307

The only person I know who regularly uses an iPad is also a small plane pilot. It seems like a good solution for that environment. Easy enough to put on the passenger seat or to use in your lap to follow maps and update plans, slides into a backpack, etc. Mostly not being typed on, but you can when you want.

Comment Re:Incredible! (Score 1) 204

Today though "bytes of RAM" is vague. A lot of chips have very tiny RAM but a (relative) lot of Flash. Ie, the Microchip PIC has instruction lengths of 14 to 18 bits, so these don't even fit into common notions of bytes.
Then again the instruction set you work with is incredibly important as well. Faster is not necessarily smaller here. Also if there's ROM you can leverage that (the program in question most definitely uses the BIOS for a normal 16-bit 8086, the Sinclair also had ROM).

Comment Re:This doesn't sound... sound (Score 1) 328

Borrowing and spending their way out of it, combined with a national past time of cheating on the taxes. Combine with politicians elected based on angry backlash instead of logic and there's going to be a lot of upcoming economic troubles to make austerity look like the good old days.

Comment Re:jessh (Score 0, Offtopic) 397

That's money. What about lives if the storm was big (which is actually was, just not in NYC)? Money is easily recovered, and should never be considered the most important factor. So people don't go to the grocery store today, but they will go tomorrow. Maybe we should cancel all holidays and really make huge amounts of money because those expendable workers will be productive instead of plotting with their unions. Cancel weekends too. Even better, make those CEOs *work* for a living by working on the assembly lines or flipping the burgers.

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
