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Comment Re:Why I got a Pebble (Score 1) 232

I just let the phone buzz and ignore it. What's the point of pulling it out to check? The only time it matters is if you're getting bad news, and bad news can wait. And in a meeting, I would never check it, and I am annoyed at people who do check. If I am talking to someone and they stop and look at the phone, it tells me that I am unimportant and they'd rather talk to literally anyone else in the the world including the unknown person who made the phone buzz.

Kids need to learn some basic social skills. Even nerds used to learn this stuff before smart phones. Treat the people you're talking to with respect, treat everyone in your meeting with respect, and if you don't actually respect them then keep it to yourself until you get home. And oh my god, do NOT answer your damn phone while at dinner with a friend, or worse with a date who'll never speak to you again.

Comment Re:Myth Confirmed... (Score 3, Insightful) 89

Mythbusters only briefly looked at currents and simulations (at least in the part that made it to the show). They did not attempt to replicate the tidal patterns. The new study has more science behind it. Mythbusters is great because it gets people thinking, but people shouldn't treat the shows as conclusive.

Comment Re:Florida voters support normalizing relations (Score 1) 435

I see this a bit in my neighborhood with Vietnamese. The older generation is the biggest anti-commie faction you will ever find, while the next generation is a lot more tepid. That war is apparently not over but considered alive and well, at least in California. I was utterly amazed and baffled when a Vietnamese council member was not praised by the community for breaking down political barriers but called an evil communist for supporting the wrong name for a street sign ("Little Vietnam" is apparently a pro-communist slogan). The kids though, they're American and aren't holding their breaths for an anticipated counter revolution in Vietnam.

Comment Re:Jellomizer on Politics of Sex. (Score 1) 435

What he said is true though, maybe it was misunderstood. Abortion is the number one reason the Republican party is such a mashup of strange bedfellows. It is a distraction view which normally one would expect to be a side issue, but it's also the one litmus test that you can't fail if you want to be elected as a Republican. People who otherwise had tepid political views suddenly start getting frisky when there's an issue about abortion being discussed. An abortion issue will kill a candidacy quickly. It's a wedge that fuels divisive politics of the "they're not real Americans like us" sort. Abortion brings people to the polls, especially Republicans but also true for a lot of Democrats.

Comment Re:About Fucking Time (Score 5, Insightful) 435

If gas was this low under a Republican president I could guarantee you that the party faithful would be giving the president full credit.

The general rules of thumb are:

good things happen while our guy is on watch: it's due to his hard work and leadership
bad things happen while our guy is on watch: caused by previous administration's policies
good things happen while the other guy is on watch: caused by an earlier administration's policies
bad things happen while the other guy is on watch: worst president of all time!

Comment Re:About Fucking Time (Score 2) 435

While Obama isn't perfect by any means, I do find it hilarious when people claim he's the worst president of all time. He got the Nobel Prize before he did anything, which was stupid, but before he did anything he was also called worst president of all time by several pundits. So it seems actions don't really matter for public opinion. That's sort of the point of Chris Rock's comment.

Comment Re:About Fucking Time (Score 1) 435

Stuff like this happens with most wars. Cuban revolution is no different in that regard. Citizens who flea into the arms of the enemy very often lose a lot of sympathy from back home. Perhaps there are still some people in England patiently waiting to regain the land that was taken away from their ancestors by those upstart American yahoos.

Comment Re:About Fucking Time (Score 1) 435

Or the opposition swings so far in one direction because of the actions that they splinter their party. I really see this happening. Note that the tea party pundits currently appear to actually be angrier at Boehner than at Obama. Some appear to be having difficulty holding the rage in check so that they can type coherently. I think this is because Obama was written off long ago as the spawn of Satan, whereas Boehner they assumed would pay them attention and now see him as the traitor. And so traitor is worse than spawn of Satan.

Also possibly due to the immense hype they had after winning a few extra seats in the election which caused a very tiny majority leaning one way flip to a very tiny majority leaning the other way. Aha, one extra vote, we have a *mandate*! They've been patiently been waiting 6 loooong years while sabotaging the government and holding onto hope that one day they'll finally get that *mandate*. But the joy only lasted one weekend, so resentment sets in.

I am actually surprised checking some social media to see extremely few frothy rants about this Cuba thing (I don't do facebook/twitter so I don't know what it's really like out there). Mark Rubio of course is pissed but he seems the only one loud enough to be heard. Maybe the tea party really is sticking to their original principles and is only getting mad about domestic issues and not foreign affairs? Mostly I seem to hear "it's about time" from the moderates and liberals. Or perhaps there are a lot of people that burst a vein and are now catatonic and unable to type at their keyboards?

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