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Comment Re:workaround lol (Score 2) 84

The best workarounds are the ones that don't defy the spirit of the rule.

I preserved my home's privacy while still preserving the integrity of the test I was taking.

Working around a bug is not cheating.

Dishonestly claiming expertise you know damn well you don't have, however, is.

Which is why honorable colleges with reputations worth using to entice an employer have a zero tolerance policy for cheating.

Comment humans vs computer (Score 1) 241

Sounds like a well intended CP detection algorithm led astray because of missing context.

Google needs to have a human supervisor monitoring its fleet of computers that can process appeals.

Here's a good appeals algorithm: Have as part of the appeals form the police report number. Make sure anyone filing a false appeal has a way to get burned with the authorities for fibbing.

As for common carrier status internet access is itself becoming so critical to society at large it was high time it was classified as a public utility just like water and power.

Comment Re:Praise the lord (Score 1) 17

You need to go to the college of morality to know why you shouldn't.

The only being you should devote yourself to on a religious level is the one being who is humble enough not to make you.

Commandment 1
"You shall have no other gods before me"
Exodus 20:3 (NIV)

Commandment 2
"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath
Exodus 20:4 (NIV)

God doesn't even demand our worship, the only ones commanding us to do so are his divine fan club, the angels of heaven.

The only thing HE does is warn us not to worship a false god that, by definition, is unworthy of worship.

Even the cults throughout history are enough of a cautionary tale.

He knows what will happen if we surrender our puppet strings to the wrong master.

Comment Re:Stupid Is As Stupid Does (Score 2, Insightful) 17

Just because gullible idiots are job security for cybercops doesn't mean they deserve the darwin treatment.

And shame on you for denigrating the vulnerable

People who take advantage of the weak and helpless, especially those being oppressed, are the most contemptible people in the world and deserve the sharpest of rebukes

God is compassionate, and even honest enough to warn us not to oppress the helpless, lest he himself hear their cry. He doesn't actually want to retaliate against us, but he will if he has to to protect those who call upon him in prayer

Cybersecurity as a profession is one of his blessings, and just because we need the idiots to stay in business doesn't mean they deserve to be attacked and taken advantage of in the first place.

Shame on you for advocating the very same social darwinism that would very easily lead to either a corrupt dictator hijacking the entire world or the extinction of our entire race which by its very nature depends on cultural symbiosis through trade to even profitably exist

Don't take other people's tech smarts for granted, there's plenty of things our "lay people" know that would make us nerds look like fools in their own wheelhouse. Things that, in fact, have stood the test of time in the past. Our ancestors must have done something right or we never would have been born.

We feel instinctive sympathy for the helpless and weak and it makes us angry when they are taken advantage of.

The only people we feel contempt for are the lazy bums who don't even give a damn about standing up for themselves and quite frankly we often see them as fair game. Whether we should is a completely separate question but what makes them lose our sympathy is their own willing complicity in their laziness or their stupidity.

Comment no! (Score 1) 160

No it can't because they both have the political process by the balls and it's only thanks to there even BEING a duopoly that one of them isn't a world dictator of sorts taking the entire economy hostage.

At least this way they're locked in competition and forced to compete at least on price.

But it's a cornered market as it is so insurgent competitors have already had ranks closed on them and they aren't welcome.

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