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Comment Re:Thought that was obvious... ? (Score 1) 141

Couldn't they have gotten there pretty easily by balancing the forces? You have a mostly hydrogen ball of gas (we can tell from the spectrum of light we get).Gravity would collapse it, something needs to be pushing back at nearly the same force. Hydrogen fusion is a possible solution, do the math and yeah the fusion rate expected given the gravitational forces matches the current balance of forces re: heat expansion, solar wind and gravity. Shy of proposing some magical force that happens not using the matter we can see you are left using what you can see which is hydrogen which should be fusing given its environment. Not a proof but I don't think anything ever is. You could just say yeah fusion happens but some magic force is counter acting it, then a second magical/unknown force that spits out neutrinos happens in the opposite direction. We don't go for that because it isn't the simplest solution but I suggest we were already at the point where hydrogen fusion was the simplest solution: explains how the higher elements get created, balance of forces, why the sun is so hot etc.

Comment Re:Phones + 1 laptop. (Score 1) 260

Agreed suspect op has a cat 5 cord where the tab thingy (anyone know the technical name for it) is broken. When I did network admin work I'd replace the cables with new ones if I saw one broken. Learned from experience having things setup and not getting why they weren't connected only to find that the network cable shifted a couple mm's when moving the desktop back into place. Amazing how little things like that will make people moving laptops to their main workspace suddenly have a more stable connection (probably bouncing the cable just often enough to disconnect every once a while).

Comment Re:People seem to be forgetting what a server is (Score 1) 129

My experience is that is generally the case. The problem with performance: you have to convince your boss to spend a month looking into something that "might" help vs doing something they think will get customers. That said often new features are pulled out of their or distributors hats hoping that it is something the customer will actually care about. Web solutions should help with the monitization of performance a bit: you can directly relate people leaving your site to the latency they experienced, can relate the number of servers needed to how inefficient the program/language/OS/whatever is etc. Sometimes it is just inertia too: we have 1M lines of code that are written this way it would take months to fix it ... lets do something else. That is why you might not need a lot of design up front but you should at least have your best and brightest working on the new projects because the groundwork they lay will likely be the structure the code keeps for better or worst when it is 5 years later and the codebase has become a beast and you are now relying on it to generate revenue.

Comment problem without an easy solution (Score 1) 117

Passwords/security inherently get in the way of ease of use. Having to enter your password every time is a risk too: easier for people to look over your shoulder and figure out what you are typing, easier to hit max attempts and accidentally lock yourself out etc.

Not an easy thing but it shouldn't just be password but context. We need a way of saying: "my wife can check my email for that important piece of info I need while driving now, but not later". A one time use code. Germany (and probably others) have a similar system for banks. You have your code and confirmation numbers mailed to you. When you start a transaction it asks you for the corresponding code from the list. You could then at least for your bank account only give someone the one code that they are currently being asked for and not have to worry about them running away and doing more transactions later.

Comment Re:Of Course They Do! (Score 1) 129

Admittedly anecdotal but when working from home a few months back I had issues with the VPN software not liking win 8. I ended up running virtualbox + xp. I noticed the network performance was way slower (things like loading webpages) when using the vm (even when not connected to the vpn) vs "local" machine. I had GPU optimizations turned on, I had all cores and a lot of ram allocated to the vm and didn't appear to be resource constrained (va task man/perf mon on the host os) etc. There does seem to be a performance impact as far as I can tell. Could you tune it better? Use better vm/host OS etc? I'm sure you can. But it isn't as simple as "modern CPUs/software avoid the penalty" to paraphrase your earlier post. There is work involved at least to tweak it work that doesn't appear to be required to get equivalent performance on a stock "bare metal" install. At any rate my experience has been it is usually good enough not best performance you get. When consolidating a large number of fairly under utilized boxes onto one server sure, but a db or file server that needs to be fast our your whole org feels the latency? Not so much. Hardware/IT time is relatively cheap compared to hundreds of people losing > 1 min a day each.

Comment Re:People seem to be forgetting what a server is (Score 1) 129

Deal with client side developers all the time asking for 100MB of data "right now" across an internet pipe (which might be coming from africa or some place with really bad service): why shouldn't we get all the data at the same time? It seems to me that a lot of the performance tuning knowledge is getting lost on a large percentage of devs: the solution is always get someone to get you a fatter internet pipe, bigger server, drop everything and try a new framework etc. Server side developers do it too: "we have a large instance on AWS I guess that is as fast as we go". Very easy to throw your hands up with performance issues because it burns so much time troubleshooting and experimenting versus hacking together the next feature that the customer wants.

Comment Re:American car companies... (Score 1) 426

Switching costs ... somewhat. Now that you have a few years experience with another browser MS isn't the incumbent. they don't have to just match others in features they need to offer something good enough to be worth switching + likely using something different than on your phone/other device.

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