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Comment My bad experience with Ubuntu. (Score 0) 349

I add my voice to those with bad experiences with Linux, in my case, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Thar. You can read the full details on my blog here (pretty long list of bugs): http://www.deragon.info/ubuntu... In essence, the big problem are bugs. Never mind compatibility with other OSs or Apps missing; if the desktop is not even reliable, you cannot even recommend it for simple browsing. And while I report against Ubuntu, since many components are used by other distributions, I expect many of the same problems to occur on other distributions.

Comment Re:I can't recommend Linux any longer. (Score 1) 515

I totally agree with you that Linux for the desktop has taken a turn for the worst and I too, have a hard time promoting it. One can read about my bad experience at: http://www.deragon.info/ubuntu.... I describe most of my problems with screenshots and bug reports, the latter which get mostly never resolved.

Comment Re:No support for SteamOS? (Score 1) 67

Cannot give you the details because I am no expert, but under Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty Thar, I have no force feedback on my Logitech joysticks and wheel, with any game. I recall reading that the Linux driver for force feedback is immature, but I cannot find the article. Also, Logitech controllers, I believe, use a proprietary protocol.

Comment Re:Why always Ubuntu on these boxes? (Score 1) 123

Red Hat scurries away from consumer desktop market:

If Red Hat goes after some Desktop market, it is for specialized, corporate markets. Not for general consumers and surely not on laptop.

As for Canonical's resources, I guess they are split half and half between the server business and consumer business, the server business fuelling the consumer initiative. Currently they are focusing on the tablet / smartphone. Desktop is pretty largely pushed aside for the moment; this is obvious by the low quality (numerous bugs) of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Comment Re:Why always Ubuntu on these boxes? (Score 1) 123

Fedora LTS version is RHEL which is expensive, though they could install CentOS

But manly, it is a laptop and not a server they are selling. RedHat has never been interested in selling a desktop solution (just to contradict me, I believe that recently they have a workstation version comming up). Ubuntu is first and foremost concentrating on the Desktop experience. Steam supports Ubuntu, not Fedora. Ubuntu is what is closest to Windows and Mac as for support. It had wifi connection via GUI two years before Fedora got it.

And if you do not like Unity, you can try Gubuntu. It should look familliar to Fedora as it runs Gnome 3.


New Cridex Malware Copies Tactics From GameOver Zeus 18

Trailrunner7 writes The GameOver Zeus malware had a nice run for itself, making untold millions of dollars for its creators. But it was a run that ended with a multi-continent operation from law enforcement and security researchers to disassemble the infrastructure. Now researchers have identified a new variant of the Cridex malware that has adopted some of the techniques that made GOZ so successful in its day.

Researchers at IBM's X-Force research team have seen a new version of Cridex, which is also known as Bugat and Feodo, using some of the same techniques that GOZ used to such good effect. Specifically, the new strain of malware has adopted GOZ's penchant for using HTML injections, and the researchers say the technique is nearly identical to the way that GOZ handled it.

"There are two possible explanations for this. First, someone from the GOZ group could have moved to the Bugat team. This would not be the first time something like this has happened, which we've witnessed in other cases involving Zeus and Citadel; however, it is not very likely in this case since Bugat and GOZ are essentially competitors, while Zeus and Citadel are closely related. The second and more likely explanation is that the Bugat team could have analyzed and perhaps reversed the GOZ malware before copying the HTML injections that made GOZ so highly profitable for its operators," Etay Maor, a senior fraud prevention strategist at IBM, wrote in an analysis of the new malware.

Low-Cost Indian Tablet Project Falls To Corruption 144

symbolset writes "The first Aakash tablet proposed for India schools has failed. Datawind managed to deliver the $45 Android tablet as reported here previously, but suffering a breach in faith by both their contract manufacturer and the accepting agency in India had to put the project on hold. Facing a loss in revenue it's turning into a disaster for the small Canadian company as they are now proving unable to deliver both the Aakash tablet and the parallel retail product. Senior executives have begun to flee. The company has presold a great many tablets, and delivery failure reports are beginning to mount. Is this the Phantom console of this decade?"

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