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Comment Re:Are we sure these are parodies? (Score 1) 148

Ah, ok, allow me to explain the joke: Hipsters do whatever crap they do and claim they did it "before it got cool". Or, to stress it even further, stop an action when it becomes mainstream. Tell you something about them actually enjoying any of the crap they do... but I digress.

So Hipster jokes center around them doing something "before it gets cool". Like: How do you turn a cocktail into a hipster drink? Microwave it for 30 seconds and drink it before it gets cool.

Comment Why do we get to hear about this? (Score 2) 56

Usually when it comes to the whole security show spiel, there's little, if any, relevant information going public. Especially when it shows that the whole crap is just a big, useless black hole for pork barrel money. How often and how long have we been asking for anything that shows the whole TSA annoyance has anything coming close to resembling having a positive effect on security?

But suddenly we get such a report without even asking for it? C'mon. What crony didn't pay his kickback in time so his project has to be axed?

Comment Re:Windows !!! (Score 1) 93

I'd deem it unlikely that they're too stupid. But nobody pays a few millions for your team to spend 2 years to build a SCADA system which is then not even on par with one that they could simply buy.

If you look for the reason for this failure, don't look at the engineers. They're not the one making economy decisions.

Comment Re:Human Shield? (Score 1) 160

Well, technically they even cannot. Cloud technologies discriminate by workload, not by content. How and where something is served depends on how it fits into the load balancing, not on some arbitrary decision on what traffic is agreeable.

Before you go on hyperboles, please at least have a faint idea of the technology you're trying to slander. Without, it makes you look like an idiot.

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