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Comment Re:Science is indisputable (Score -1) 163

Real estate transactions must be "arms length".
Yes you can buy and sell at a loss. -- good plan!
Yes, you can rip off your friends, especially if they are as dumb as you.
I suspect you couldn't afford the price of admission on the local fishing pier, much less multiple beach front properties, which is just as well since you probably wouldn't do well in prison.

Comment Re:I'll wait (Score -1) 122

It's 35F in Shinjuku right now. Nobody is running their a/c. Also, it is WINTER. There are no leaves on the trees. As always, if you wish to reduce the population, JUMP!
Just spare us ill thought out stupid liberal arguments. I don't mind the regular liberal arguments, it's just the STUPID ones that get on my last nerve.

Comment Re:More than 1 gun per American. What's the soluti (Score -1) 333

The article isn't suggesting more guns. In fact, the assumption is that these smart guns would be replacing the mean, dangerous guns you liberals hate. So, only your argument is stupid. I am surprised your argument didn't get modded down by your appeal to Jesus. I suspect the mods agree with your emotional sentiment even if it makes zero sense.
I might remain at -1 because it is the only way to attack my always logical viewpoints in the face of total hog wash.

Comment Re:Might explode -- that's what the robots are for (Score -1) 98

To call Li a scarce resource is an overstatement. To say it is going to get scarcer is hysterical bullshit.
Literally add water and Lye to dirt. You will have a much bigger problem with Ni and Co in the context of Lithium batteries.
Lithium is so scarce we throw it in the trash when we are done with it.
âoeThe Earth's crust is big. You just wonâ(TM)t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think itâ(TM)s a long way down the road to the chemistâ(TM)s, but thatâ(TM)s just peanuts to the Earth's crust.â

Comment Re:Ideally the entire thread should be modded down (Score -1) 202

It's true what you say. The Democratic party is terrible. But mostly because of Democrats. They are terrible people. They will get voted out, but it is probably too late. Let's go Brandon!
Republicans suck too, but not as bad as Democrats. AOC and Bernie Sanders. Maxine Waters and Elizabeth Warren. Holy smokes. What a crew. Who really votes for these creatures?

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