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Comment Poor pathetic losers don't realize the basics (Score 0) 81

Just because you spent hundreds of billions on rickety architecture doesn't mean we have to use it. To paraphrase Richard Nixon - "My DNS server entries mean whatever I choose them to mean" in fact, the whole .gov and .mil arena can be routed to in minutes and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
In other words, the internet exists by the consent of the governed. It's our internet, and we'll do as we please.

Comment Re:No we shouldnt (Score -1) 287

It's not your fault, the insinuations of my statement cover philosophy where even I fear to tread. So no, I don't intend to punish anyone. Rather, I simply can't stomach a plus 5 insightful mod from a stooge whose knowledge of the subject matter stopped accumulating at the age of 14. Of course the consensus of the Slashmob results in -1 for me -fuckem.
Perhaps for my next rant we can debate why even the Catholic church no longer murders heretics, while many governments of the world kill regularly despite their holy documents holding the right to life inalienable. Besides, it's clear to me the parent doesn't mean to TAX the church, He means simply to seize its accumulated wealth which was acquired by the consent of its governed.
Finally, I had asked people to compare the young earthers to welfare hood rats. As you can see the responders knee jerked response was predictable, leading me to believe that if you know a lot of stupid people, perhaps there is a reason for that as well.

Comment GFlops/gm. not a common benchmark yet. (Score -1) 56

You would think that somebody at NASA would have pointed out the abject stupidity of lifting something as useless as a rasberry pi out of earths gravity well.
Attention fanbois, we won't get to mars by talking about it. I thought engineers were trained at least to be aware of cost efficiency...
Mods, here's another chance to penalize inside the box thinking.

Comment Re:Good/BAd news for science. (Score -1) 90

"Small changes in the setup give you big perturbations," said Eric Esarey,..."

The secret is to design the experiment so you extrapolate energy levels to 6 orders of magnitude beyond what you can measure. Then the math guys do the rest.
It's really a lot less work than those idiots at CERN do, in fact, this method produces MiniVans per researcher much quicker.

Comment Better you follow your chosen career. - Congress. (Score -1) 720

Don't take this as being judgmental, it's more like survival instincts. Evolution, if you like. The fact that you show regret over past acts means you are well on the way to redemption. But the IT world is already overflowing with closet oddball, dysfunctional, sociopaths. Society puts people in jail and rubber stamps them as felons for the sake of expediency. We don't do it to punish, nor to rehabilitate. We safely tuck you out of the way and ignore you. Like the abortionist that only considers the ramifications of their actions after the fact, you still have trouble wrapping your mind around why the church might deny you communion.
The 47% Romney spoke of understand this and don't even bother to vote their representatives into their insane asylum offices.
I think you have a real shot. Oh, I mean if you LIE on your job app. Even if you eventually get caught lying, just shrug your shoulders and tell them "Of course I lied - I'M a FELON!!!"
It works for Clinton (D) or North (R). The truth is Americans LIKE our felons, and their is no limit to what you might aspire to.

Comment Re:wont last (Score -1, Flamebait) 287

True. It's like Obamacare, or more like illegal aliens. Just because you weren't born in Mexico doesn't mean you shouldn't be allowed to drive a busload of homeless people to Mexico City and set up a Marijuana store. (for medicinal purposes).
Obama is likely to set the Democrats back 20 years tonight. Socialist prick is as crazy as Stalin ever was, Hillary is shitting her pants.
p.s. FU-MODS

Comment Re:Has to be best at everything (Score -1) 127

At any point in its history, the US was never the best at anything. In fact, its only saving grace has been a system of goverment that allows for fat dumb guys to put a well aimed bullet into the heart of pontificating tyrants as yourself.
As a member of the "huddled masses", I've found that often, the only requirement to take over the top spot is for us to show up and put a stop to whatever maniacal scheme you fuckwads have dreamed up. Now, I admit I don't have nearly the education I should, but I'm actually slightly underweight and I have an almost innate skill of putting either a .223 or 5.56 round into your center of mass at 50 yards without thinking about it much. For larger intellectual debates such as this a titan is still the best option. Hence the need for really big computers. See? From a US perspective we are surrounded by assholes like you. You can't really

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