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Comment Re:And when you include end-of-life costs? (Score 2, Insightful) 409

I'm not sure about that. In relative terms, the profit to be made by one generation vs. the 10 generations to follow's incalculable damage is pretty clear cut. Fukushima and Chernobyl lay out a pretty good blueprint.
Baby boomers have learned pretty well from "the greatest generation" how to put in minimal effort and then concentrate on sucking the system dry. Gen X got away with putting nothing at all in, which means Gen Y will be unable to get anything at all out.
Now, this sentiment is nothing new, and has been echoed since greek times and before. The common wisdom of being content because "things could be worse" is continuously being proved true. I have no idea what is in store for Gen z, and I'm not predicting apocalypse, just really, really bad stuff. Sorry, but I got mine. - Good luck with that radioactive shit, maybe somebody will figure out a way to make really dirty weapons out of it and you can blow your generation to pieces, like we tried to.

Comment Re:Nobody kills Java (Score -1, Offtopic) 371

It's a good thing they didn't name this language "Eric Garner", then it would really be dead. All Eric did was not pay taxes on a few loose cigarettes. How much taxes has Oracle not paid on JAVA?
In fairness, Larry Ellison does not hawk CD's on NYC streets. It's a shame Eric never learned JAVA, he might be alive today.
In an effort to stay on topic, I would just point out, this another example of how global warming is ruining our lives.

Comment to the free as in "all you can steal" crowd (Score -1, Troll) 132

Just get over it and use Adobe. The thousands wasted by trying to save a buck just doesn't make sense. And the quality of your faith based software is not made up for by the quantity. I know this seems like flame bait to those of you that don't actually have the need for software that works, so don't take offense at being marginalized.

Comment Re:Saved the earth (Score 1) 54

I've considered this theory, and even enjoyed several stories that illustrate the point. The problem is, it's a narcissistic load of bull. Nature doesn't care what you do. God doesn't care what you do. Sure, we're all invited to the party, but most of us will get by if you don't make it. If you calculate the maximum entropy a single human being can introduce into the universe, you will discover it quickly becomes swamped out. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't live your life in accordance with your own self deluding philosophies, I'm just saying that most of the people that ever worked for IBM are dead now and most of the world STILL doesn't use IBM PC's. Now, you may say..."What in God's green earth does that have to do with ANYTHING???" And of course, then I would smile, because you have almost gotten the point.

Comment Re: First post (Score 1) 266

It's "Good day, Sir." You will have a hard time winning people to your side of the argument. Nobody but nobody is going to agree to their own extinction if you talk to them that way.
Except Rodney King. Rodney it seems, still aked the question "Can't we all get along?" Even after getting beaten like a pinata. Which only goes to prove you can't beat sense into people. Fortunately, Eric Garner was hardly beaten at all, which makes his death at the hands of a totalitarian state much more palatable. My point is, words, like guns, can cause irrevocable harm if used indiscriminately.
And global warming. Don't discount the role global warming plays in any Slashdot discussion. There.

Comment most datacenters will do what they are paid for. (Score 1) 116

Or what they are contracted to do. There is no use arguing with somebody who insists you spend 2 hours+ doing a D.O.D. wipe on a out of warranty drive if they are willing to pay you. Otherwise, 15s through a degausser will do the trick.
Something tells me you didn't make a copy of the last guy's data before you wiped it and installed your stuff. I'm betting no calls to the NSA,or even the local police were made. Nobody cares about this stuff except the people that need to. Finally, there is no machine in a datacenter that has both important data and Slackware on it. Hope you remove your own data before the next lease runs out, because nobody is going to do it for you.

Comment A CD PLAYER's primary purpose is to play (Score 1) 317

Audio Home Recording Act of 1992. The Act protects against distributing digital audio recording devices whose primary purpose is to rip copyrighted material.

That's why they don't sell it as a CD ripper.
Simple things are simple. It is confounding how many people take enormous effort to make simple things hard.

Comment Re:Experimental controls (Score 1) 38

Ikan, This is EXACTLY why big data like hadoop and hpcc is so popular. Sure, 20 years ago your MS Access RDBMS would never lead you to this answer. But we have got bigger and better systems now. We have MORE of everything. Believe me, if you haven't used a 120 petabyte quantum causality database recently you are missing out on all the good stuff.

Comment Re:Red Bull (Score 1) 511

No, he redefined what "workaholic", "family man" and "high end" mean yet you choose to quibble over what constitutes a drug.
Even so, 32 oz of Redbull is no longer a felony in New York, while the non-collection of taxes on cigarettes still carries the death sentence.
Despite moderation, Eric Garner seems to be relevant to any discussion. Mostly because the right to life is unalienable, if you (and the police and Slashdotters) believe in God given rights. Or God. Did I miss anything?

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