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Comment If you believe in global warming you might be dumb (Score 1) 567

Real scientists don't make assumptions by measuring the current data point 100,000 times and giving it equal weighting. Of course, when I went to school Earth Science wasn't a real science compared to biology, Chemistry and Physics. But as it turns out, it's all the "science" you morons could handle and was the only one you even attended. Here's my prediction, there's another ice age coming, and since stupidity has survival factor, you less idiotic descendents will be burning all the coal they can dig out of the ice. Please STFU.

Comment Re:Not counterfeit (Score 0, Offtopic) 170

Dear mods, please understand that suppressing comments to -1 really messes up a threads continuity. Some of us come here to relax with some light reading. We don't have all day to constantly tweak our settings. If I wanted to ruin my Slashdot experience, i don't need you guys to do it, I would just use beta. Thanxbye

Comment Re:Internal fuel won't do it ... (Score 1) 74

At less than 10^-29 g/cc, I'm afraid the average energy density of the universe doesn't bode well for external fuel either. Lucky for us, Andromeda will be here soon enough. As I've stated before, the rest of the entire universe is rushing away from us as fast as it can. They just don't like us. We're pretty much stuck here.

Comment Re:Praise the Courts (Score 1) 532

Yes, and homos too, why do they always get left out? And just to be clear, he is not saying make it legal. He is saying the government has no right to make it illegal.I could give a damn about the governments morality imposed on me. Morally speaking, I oppose each of these things, mostly because the police and the government make too much money as the top extortionist of it all. So as long as drug addicts and corrupt government both stay far away from me, I'm a happy guy.
So, what i am saying is if you don't like drugs, prostitution, abortion, and gambling, (and homos) - Don't do it. NOW, get off my lawn.

Comment So what is the penalty for being a fascist? (Score 1) 532

Surely harm was done to our freedom. Surely any reasonable person laughed at the asinine way these pigs spit on our constitution, which clearly forbids the state from passing laws they have not been given authority over? Pepsi tastes like freedom.
Bloomberg should have been tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail but the citizenry just doesn't have it in 'em any more. Too busy hiding from the police? This is just one example of the nothing we've become. People don't even laugh at us any more. I say The bottling companies sue for triple damages. That's the way we roll in America baby.

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