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Comment We need Nuclear here! Fission and fusion. (Score 4, Interesting) 218

Here in Georgia we are having a heck of a time jumping through the political hoops to build two new much needed pressurized water nuclear (fission) plants in east Georgia. We also have a boiling water nuclear (fission) plant in south Georgia that probably needs to be decommissioned due to age and the problems of radioactive leaks in boiling water reactors inside the reactor containment bunker...er...building.

P.S. How can you call an airtight, air-locked, negative-pressured, yards thick of specially hardened reinforced concrete, enough to survive at least 2 9/11 style airplane crashes, "building" anything but an above ground bunker?

I have to say that where we built our nuclear plants geologically, population-wise, and climate-wise, are the best places to put such nuclear plants. Far better than in the crowded Northeast US or on the West Coast.

In Georgia we have no single "go-to" on alternative energy for base electric generation, no desserts for large scale solar projects, like Nevada, nor massive amounts of land for large scale wind farms, like the Plain states, and we lost much of our hydro capacity in the last 30 years or so. Natural Gas and Nuclear are our go-to for large scale base electric generation and our chance to break from coal. We use too way much coal here in Georgia our air quality has suffered immensely for it. At least nuclear plants do not create millions of tons of CO2 and makes our air cleaner.

I sincerely hope that the fusion plants can be built here.

Comment Can't have nice things (Score 3, Insightful) 728

Auernheimer is one of the reasons we nice people can not have nice things. The worse problem is his supporters supporting his underhanded crusade against anyone he doesn't like. He is a threat to the safety of his targets to the extent that it most people would be imprisoned for decades for doing what he did. The message our justice system say to would be Auernheimers is "don't screw with the businesses and don't get caught threatening and underhandedly attack people" meaning doing what he did to Kathy Sierra is OK as long as you do it in a way that law enforcement won't care about it.

Comment Re:So, it has come to this. (Score 1) 742

With many At-Will employment states, like Georgia, employers fabricate reasons to fire employees in order to deny the fired employee unemployment benefits. If they site no reason or lie to the labor board about the firing the fired employee get unemployment benefits which is paid into by the businesses. The incentive for companies to fabricate reasons to fire employees is to keep their unemployment insurance premiums low.

Comment No one does anything major unless the have to (Score 1) 197

The harsh truth is that few people do anything unless they have to. We didn't send men back to the moon because we didn't have to. We will not send men to Mars because we don't have to. Faster-than-light communications will not be developed in my lifetime not because physics say that it is impossible, quantum physics says it should be possible, but because we have no need for such technology yet. We will not develop interstellar travel until we have no choice but to develop it.

Comment Re:"Just let me build a bridge!" (Score 1) 372

There is nothing wrong with planning and needed homework before you start programming. How can you program anything if you don't know what you are trying to create? The prep work is part of the programming.

The problem is when navigating the programming environment itself and the Byzantine bureaucracy itself are more important than actually getting stuff done and eats up 98% of your time and energy. Work in a big shop and you will understand the complexity of changing just "one item" can take weeks, including half panicked conferences with one or so of the few insane junior executives and TPS reporting systems galore. The joke of creating the 15th revision of the development plan that include red and straight lines originally and now changed to blue circles that must act like red straight lines is painfully real in those environments.

Comment Re:For those of us who didn't see it... (Score 1) 401

SPOILER ALERT - Summary of movie:

Scroll down for the Summary

New Boss: CLOSE, D*mm*t, CLOSE you lazy b*tts!!!
The Salesmen: The leads are weak.
New Boss: I can get closes off your leads, but here is a list of my leads. You don't get my leads because you can't close ANY leads!! I will keep the top two of you guys and the rest of you will pound pavement in a week!
The Salesmen: (Whispers: We got to get those leads and sell them for top dollar).

Comment Re:So they'll just add (Score 1) 249

I have never heard an Police Officer in our County Courts actually just say that statement without a follow up question from the Judge first. If the Police Officer says he got an anonymous tip our Judges want some paperwork, any paperwork, stating the tip was called in at such-and-such time and taken by such-and-such person. Otherwise our Judges want a search warrant presented, which are easy and quick for our Police to get anyway. This ruling makes our police officers' standard operating procedures on phone searches far less ambiguous and gives far less wiggle room for the Defense Attorneys.

Maybe I am not seeing this happen and you do is that you would think the police would have to prove the likelihood that the evidence obtained by search was legal. Often I see that the Defense Attorney must prove to the court that the search was illegal when the Police Officer makes his statement and show that he has some paperwork saying so. That makes the evidence gained by legally gray searches by default "legal" and it cannot be dismissed. It is not right but that is what happens.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Ask Slashdot: Orbital Mechanics 4

I'm having a math and physics problem: math and physics is getting in the way of the plot in Mars, Ho!

I originally thought it would be a six month trip, but math got in the way since they were getting gravity from propulsion. So I shortened it to a two month trip, and to do that I had to have Earth and Mars on opposite sides of the sun -- but orbital mechanics makes waiting shorten the time.

Submission + - This top turns see-through if you leave personal data exposed (arstechnica.com)

mpicpp writes: A Brooklyn-based designer has created a 3D-printed sculptural boob tube to spark social commentary on the state of privacy in a data-driven world—by making the top gradually more sheer.

X.pose's striking black webbed rubber structure was engineered using a Stratasys printer, molded to the body to ensure comfort and very much inspired by creator Xuedi Chen's previous work, Invasive Growth (moss-grown jewelry based on the parasitic cordyceps fungus). But underneath, its layers tell another story about our lack of control and veritable vulnerability when it comes to who uses our data, what for, and how much they take.

"I wanted to quantify the data exposure physically because that's what people can see," Chen told Wired.co.uk. "Discussions about privacy concerns have been around for ages, but only when it's in your face do people really get a reaction."

"The transparency is dependent upon the location of the wearer. If I'm in a certain neighborhood, the corresponding patch of film will be very active as it fluctuates between opaque and transparent very quickly. The film does cover the whole piece and has some memory. So as you move throughout the day, it shows off a trail of your past locations. Most recent location is most transparent and fades over time back to opaque."

Comment Standard Disclaimer (Score 1) 519

Standard Disclaimer:

This ruling addresses the faults, as seen by the Judge Rolf Treu, of how these specific tenure laws are written and implemented. If other tenure laws allow firing of tenured teachers for proven just cause and tenure selection was given for those teachers with long proven positive track records, over 5 to 10 years, then the decision could have easily gone the other way. To imply that all existing Public School teacher tenure is at an end is an extrapolation nearly to the point of nonsense because tenure laws can be changed to address the faults found by Judge Treu in the existing laws.

Submission + - Scientists Turn the Moon Into Broadband Internet Hotspot (theblot.com)

An anonymous reader writes: "After three years of research, scientists have managed to send broadband wireless Internet thousands of miles away to the moon...Beaming information back at a high speed could eventually allow researchers to build communication satellites equipped with ultra high-definition cameras that would give space enthusiasts a clearer picture of what’s out there — possibly even live, high-definition video. The discovery could also have huge implications for broadband consumer satellite Internet in areas where traditional landline (think cable or DSL) broadband Internet isn't available."

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