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Comment Disagree - This isn't about direct sales (Score 1) 382

Direct sales itself is the threat. If people want change, they need to get off of the notion that this is about Tesla and learn a little more of the history behind the law.

That's a bit like arguing that the Civil War was about states' rights. True, but only because states rights were invoked to support slavery. In the same vein here, it's the auto and petroleum industry fighting a war against electric cars. If electric cars happen, the future arrives and the entire petroleum distribution chain will eventually have to transform (without the corresponding profit margin increases for the current players) and get commoditized as nuclear, wind, and solar can fully power the economy and people's transportation needs (no need to convert back to gas or diesel for transport).

Elon Musk and Tesla believe the time has come, and have done a lot to prove it. Now it's time to see if Big Oil and their auto cronies can stop an idea whose time has come.

Comment Re:Not the target market (Score 1) 346

You are not the target market for Chromebooks. The funny part is they still cost like 1/8 of what your Macbook did. My mom has a Chromebook and she loves it. I never get tech support calls anymore. Everything just works.

The target market seems about 1/8 the size as well (consequently, not significant enough for Microsoft to worry about it much). I skipped the Chromebook and got my parents an iPad - sure they don't type as much, but the banking, shopping and gaming options on the iPad are much more mature and reasonable than on a Chromebook and it's a hell of a lot more portable.

If you're going to keep it at home all the time, maybe it's a great tool for things like home folks and the classroom - but it is NOT a laptop replacement for the vast majority of people. Selling it as such is an expectations disaster waiting to happen.

Comment US Judicial Order vs. EU Law (Score 1) 749

So what happens when a cloud provider (e.g. Microsoft) hosts customer data for a non-US customer? Does the USG actually think that it's laws take precedence over the laws of region of the owner of the data (i.e., Microsoft's non-US customer) and when the actual transactions are happening off US soil?

Of course, perhaps the best solution for companies like Microsoft is to simply spin-off the non-US data sites as separate entities, so they can't be held liable for the US company's actions. Though this is still just regression games.

Comment Dollar Bill = George Washington, that's why (Score 1) 753

I have never understood why the US treasury doesn't just stop producing $1 bills and force a coin into circulation.

I'm fairly certain that a major reason for the lack of change is that US Founder and first CEO (or President, I forget the terms these days) George Washington is on the dollar and also on the US Quarter, thus making it very difficult to simply mint a dollar coin as a replacement.

You might laugh, but these kinds of peccadilloes, added to the general incompetence and recalcitrance of today's Congress, result in a whole lot of "doing nothing".

Comment Re:Microsoft craps its pants (Score 2, Insightful) 346

2015 will be year of the Linux Desktop!

Guess you have not been paying attention, chromebooks are here and occupying all the top slots and rating on Amazon, making a killing in schools, and have a slew of new models out now, and not have Android know the OS that put iOS and windows in the ground...they even look like a mackbook air *winks*.

GNU/Linux continues to do very nicely as well.

So where are your solid numbers (Amazon ratings and sales ranks don't specify models sold) ? And please let me know if I can use my Chromebook offline on my airplaine. Sorry, no way a Chromebook is replacing my Macbook anytime - I see you can't even view the movies you buy on the Google Play store offline [1] (ie, in an airplane - no that GoGo streaming is not allowed for movies) - what use is that?


Comment Re:Samsung's slowing sales... (Score 1) 45

I suspect that a good part of Samsung's slowing sales is consumers that are tired of spending more money all of the time to do the same thing. I've got a Galaxy SII. It does everything that I need it to do. It's paid for. I don't foresee any needs that a newer phone would fulfill, so short of a broken phone or a paradigm shift I don't see a need to shell out several hundred dollars to have essentially the same functionality.

THere's a lot that an S4 or S5 will do that your S2 cannot - though you may not appreciate it, including things like Bluetooth4 or a larger battery, better camera or support for more innovative features on the latest Android (or TouchWiz) release.

Personally I have an iPhone and I upgrade every several years with my wife leapfrogging so one of us has the latest phone. Apple has perfected the upgrade treadmill - you're compelled but not forced into upgrading, and they make the features on each new generation worth the upgrade.

Comment Most recent failure was 2009 (Score 1) 278

Once high-intensity blueish bulb out of probably 4 dozen bought (including LEDs). I still have a slow-start CFL from Ikea that I bought in 2005 that's still running and hasn't been broken.

More concerning is the CFL that was broken - no more stand-lamps with kids now, but that was not fun - essentially had to completely and thoroughly clean the room.

Comment But how many bodies can it fit? (Score 2) 139

When I need to take a cab at 4 AM to go to the middle of nowhere (I don't have a car, as I only need this like twice a year or something, not worth it), hailing a shady dirty taxi who'll bitch and moan about me asking to go somewhere unprofitable isn't exactly my preference.

I will take that recommendation, though I hear Uber SUV can fit more bodies in the rear. I wonder if heading over to Patterson incurs surge pricing? Will the driver help you unload your "luggage"?

Comment Re:In a watch, batteries should last a year or mor (Score 1) 129

Leaving aside the part of my brain that is trying to figure out whether you consider only a few showers a week acceptable or are just really fast about them

If you're male and have the expected short hair, showers shouldn't take more than 5 min each (x7 = 35m), perhaps another 5 if you shave in the shower. Or are you from the Lester Burnham [1] school of showering? Regardless, still shouldn't take more than 1-2 min more.


Comment Re:Call me (Score 1) 129

Why don't thy have wireless charging on these things? It wouldn't be so bad if I took off my watch, threw it on the dresser, and went to bed. Having to stop and fiddle with a charger for multiple devices is a bit of a no go IMO.

Maybe because the wireless charger circuitry will make the watch larger and more unwieldy? Because free space on a wearable makes a smartphone's cramped interior look spacious?

Personally, I'd rather more battery than wireless charging. I'm not going to carry my wireless charging dock/pad around with me and I can't imagine that a 2nd one at the office would be cheap. The Moto 360 supposed has wireless charging, but it does seem a bit ... heftier than a Pebble or even the LG one.

Comment The threat is internal (Score 2) 702

I've wondered why they haven't done that before. Forget about taking a plane down, or flying into a building.

Have 20 individuals at 20 airports all approach the processing line, timed to arrive at the metal detector/x-ray chute at noon. Scream the usual "aloha cracker" (or whatever those crazy fucks say), pull out the bomb from their carry on, and detonate it before anyone can stop them.

Instantly, every airport is notified about this threat, and now everyone gets screened before they even get to the airport.

If they want to fuck with the west, that is how they could do it.

The fact that this has not happened (nor have we heard of a such a plot being defused) makes it pretty clear that the real threat is the TSA itself, and "terrists" are simply an Emmanuel Goldstein type boogeyman used to keep everyone in line and their mouths shut.

Comment Re:He apparently doesn't fly (Score 1) 128

to "use the time to sleep and chill out."

Anecdotal but just flew cross coast twice last week and chilling out in my designated sq ft of cabin room did not inspire ant sense of chilling out. If not for the games, movies, content on my kids &I iPads, it would have been an almost unendurable human "trash compactor" experience. Yes I'm talking to you united airlines.

I'm rarely thankful that I'm not a tall person, but during flights is one of those times. I have no space problems with planes except when I want to use my laptop. Been very good at migrating to iPad for most stuff (even work), however.

Comment Re:The Solution is In Plain Sight (Score 1) 579

In some areas of Portugal we have exactly the opposite - timers applied to traffic lights instead of crosswalks. In some places we also have crosswalk timers together with traffic light timers.

Why is this a solution? Because drivers will stop paying attention to crosswalk timers and use their own traffic light timers instead, which have a security offset of 1-3 seconds. [...]

I wonder if this offset is randomized to prevent gaming? And if that's more or less safe than a constant offset?

Ultimately, I prefer traffic circles [1] for lower volume traffic intersections, however large intersections should have lights - and the method you presented seems very interesting. Especially since it's being implemented in Portugal (are there studies yet in it's efficacy?)


Comment Malicious Compliance (Score 2) 239

From das wiki:

Malicious compliance is the behavior of a person who intentionally inflicts harm by strictly following the orders of management or following legal compulsions, knowing that compliance with the orders will cause a loss of some form resulting in damage to the manager's business or reputation, or a loss to an employee or subordinate. It has the effect of harming leadership, or the leadership harming a subordinate.[1] A specific form of industrial action that utilizes this is work-to-rule.

Also see Lawful Evil.

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