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Comment Re:As soon as I hear "Big " (Score 1) 255

One, you are not going to get rich as soon as Big Gubmint gets out of your way. Two, Paris Hilton is not going to sleep with you. Three, every word that you hear from talk radio and Fox Propaganda is a lie, including "and" and "the".

Four, no one said that "all large companies are evil"; but when plutocrats raid pension funds, dump poison into the air and water, rig the laws in their own favor and deny people lifesaving medication, that is evil. If that is not evil then there is no such thing as evil.

But keep on ranting about Feelthy Queers and Dirty Jezebels and all the other bogeymen that Rush Limbaugh tells you to hate.

Comment Game on (Score 1) 449

Game on

1. e4 Nc6 2. Nf3 is unusual but not crazy.

2. ... d4 seems suitably aggressive; the black queen backs her pawn up, the white king can't.

3. Bd3? Gates is trying to protect his pawn (and preparing to castle), but ends up blocking in his black bishop; better is 3. d3.

3. ... Nf6

4. exd5? Qxd5 lets the black queen out of her hidey-hole.

5. Nc3 Qh5 White tries to play queen-be-gone, but the queen is happy to be on her way.

6. 0-0? Dude, with the queen sitting on h5? 6. ... Bg4 after the knight on f3.

7. h3 trying bishop-be-gone; perhaps White should have played this instead of castling. 7. ... Ne5 again contending for f3.

8. hxg4 Nfxg4 aiming for h2 while keeping an attack on f3.
The only thing that saves White at this point is 9. Re1 giving the king an escape route and developing the rook. Anything else and, at best, 9. ... Nxf3+ 10. Qxf3 or gxf3 Qh2#. But White played about the worst move he could have made:

9. Nxe5?? Qh2#.

Comment Re: Decreased Costs (Score 1) 1043

So you're saying it's pointless to "voluntarily abstain from sex until you're in a relationship where the couple are committed enough to care for a child"? If you have sex, then fine but be responsible for all the consequences. Abstaining until marriage is a 100% guarantee that no babies will happen.

And if we all work for the common good and refrain from selfish ambition, we can live in a Marxist utopia.

Marxism and abstinence-only edumakashun both fail, and for the same reasons. Now how about some policies that deal with people as they are, not how either Karl Marx or Pat Robertson would like them to be?

Comment Re:A reminder to Republicans: (Score 1) 944

The Republican rank and file were fine with the "Patriot" Act, and were the ones calling people America-hating terrorist sympathizing Muslim Communist traitors.

The Republican rank and file believe in personal choices as long as the personal choices are approved by Bible-thumping fundamentalists.

Don't hand me that line of bull about being against "excessive intrusion into people's personal choices".

Comment A reminder to Republicans: (Score 0) 944

1) The EISA passed both houses of Congress with a veto-proof majority, one of the last times the Democrats and Republicans agreed on anything. Y'all were fer it before you were agin' it.

2) B. Hussein Osama was part of that veto-proof majority. So yeah, he's marginally more responsible than george w. bush for takin' yer light bulbs.

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